
Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive element that can be found in soil, underground water, and outdoor air. Some of the properties of this gas include being odorless, tasteless, and colorless. The concentrations vary throughout the country depending on the types of rocks that are found in the soil. Exposure over prolonged periods of time to radon decay products has been associated with an increased risk of lung cancer.(3) The EPA describes an elevated concentration as being at or above their suggested guidelines of 4pCi/l (pico Curies per liter, used as a radiation unit of measure for radon). Exposures below this level may create a risk of lung cancer, farther reductions to lower levels may be too difficult or even impossible to achieve.(4) Radon enters buildings through: exposed soil in crawl spaces, through cracks, openings in floors, and through below grade walls and floors. This is the primary source of elevated radon levels in buildings.(5) Outdoor air contains radon, but it is in extremely low concentrations therefore it is not a health hazard. Some wells contain water that has radon dissolved in it. This can be a hazard if the water is agitated or heated, allowing the gas to escape and elevate the levels that are in the building.(6) Health Risk The Surgeon General's office reports that indoor radon gas is a national health problem. This gas causes thousands of deaths every year.(7) These deaths are a result of lung cancer, which is caused by the radioactive particles that make up the gas.(8) The likelihood of getting lung cancer from radon depends on: the concentration that you are exposed to, the amount of time that you are exposed, and whether you smoke or not. The radioactive particles are inhaled when we breathe, and become trapped in the lungs. Once in the lungs they release small amounts of energy that can damage the tissue of the lungs which in turn can cause cancer.(9) Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer, with smoking being number one according to the Surgeon Generals office.(10) Smoking greatly increases the risk of getting lung cancer. Non smokers are allot less likely to get lung cancer from radon than smokers.(11) Radon is a big problem because a majority of the population spends most of its time indoors. This increases the amount of time that they are exposed, and the likelihood that they will get lung cancer.(12) Where Radon Originates Radon is created by the radioactive decay of uranium found in rocks, soil, and water. Uranium and its by products of decay, namely radon are abundant and are constantly being generated.(13) Radon is capable of easily traveling through rocks and soil.(14) The gas is also found dissolved in water, due to decay in the soil or rock below.(15) Radon in Water The risk from radon in water is much lower than the risk from radon in air. This is because the water must be heated or agitated to release the gas. This can happen in a shower, boiling water on a stove, or by using a washing machine. Most public water supplies don't present a radon risk, this is because the water is aerated at the treatment site and the gas escapes into the atmosphere. Most water that contains hazardous amounts of radon comes from wells. Wells should be tested for radon if the building that they are supplying contains hazardous amounts in the air. The testing procedures for water are different from those used on air.(16) Water containing radon can usually be treated. The most effective treatment is to remove radon from the water before it enters the home, this is called point of entry treatment. Water can also be treated at the tap, this is known as point of use treatment. However this treatment is much less effective at removing the risk.(17) Radon Entry Radon travels through the ground and into the air, allowing the gas to easily enter buildings and homes. There are many ways that the gas can enter a building. Cracks in concrete slabs allow the gas to enter through the floor. The gas also enters through pores and cracks that are found in concrete foundations. Faulty wall to floor joints also allow entry. Exposed soil creates more radon as uranium decays within the soil. A weeping drain tile that is drained to an open sump will cause radon to enter the home more easily. Loose pipe fittings will allow enough of an opening to let radon gas enter. Open tops of block walls let the gas move from the foundation and release in an open area. Also certain building materials, such as rock used in interior construction of fireplaces, will release the gas. Domestic use of well water allows the gas to enter through showers and through agitation processes. Testing The EPA reports that radon has been found in homes all across the United States.(18) Testing is the essential key to knowing whether a home is at risk from radon.(19) To test for radon special equipment must be used.(20) There are a number of different devices for testing for radon on the market today. Some devices are known as passive devices, and require no power to operate. They consist of charcoal canisters, alpha track devices and charcoal liquid scintillation. All of these devices are relatively simple, and can be purchased at hardware stores. These devices are exposed to air in the building for a specified length of time and then sent out to a processing laboratory for analysis.(21) Active devices are test equipment that requires power to operate. These devices continuously monitor for radon. They do this by recording the amount of radon that is decaying in the building's air. This type of testing is more costly because it requires a professional, as well as expensive equipment.(22) Testing can either be long term or short term. Long term tests run for more than ninety days. Alpha track devices are most commonly used for this type of test. The most common short term tests are charcoal canisters and continuous monitors.(23) Reducing Radon Levels There are a number of methods that can be used to reduce the amounts of radon that enter a building. Soil suction is one such method, it draws the radon from below the building and vents it to the atmosphere, where it is quickly diluted. Another method is active subslab suction, this is the most common method. It uses suction pipes that are inserted through the floor slab into the soil beneath it. These pipes use a fan to pull the gas out from below the house and up into the atmosphere. Another method is known as passive subslab suction, it is the same as active subslab suction except that it uses air currents in place of the fan. Drain tiles can be used to direct water away from the foundation. Yet another method is sump hole suction, this method is used in basements that have sump pump. By capping the pump, it can continue to drain water and serve as a location for a radon suction device. Ventilation is another popular method of removing the gas. Sometimes just opening the basement windows is enough other times the use of a fan may be required. Sealing cracks in the foundation also helps to prevent some gas from entering and it also helps reduce the loss of heated or cooled air. Another type of ventilation is heat recovery ventilation, it will increase the air circulation and will use heated or cooled air that is being exhausted to warm or cool the incoming fresh air.(24) Conclusion In conclusion, radon causes many problems. According to the surgeon general's office it is the second leading cause of cancer.(25) This is due to the radioactive particles decaying in the lungs and releasing energy that can cause tissue destruction that leads to cancer. Radon is found almost everywhere. So it must be dealt with. Some common ways are to reduce the amounts of the gas that enter the home are sealing cracks and ventilating the building. Due to the gas being colorless and odorless special testing equipment was designed to monitor it. This testing should be done by homeowners and business owners that are concerned about the safety of inhabitants. Through testing and corrective measures radon can effectively be dealt with.


What is Rabies? Who gets Rabies? Rabies is a viral disease of humans and other mammals. It is most common in carnivores. The word rabies comes from the word "hydrophobia", fear of water. Rabies is a potentially deadly disease. There are many things you can do to prevent yourself from meeting rabies. The most important thing to do, is to be certain your pets have updated vaccinations. Your pets can first get their vaccinations when they are three months old. After that booster vaccinations must be given every one to three years according to your state and city laws. It also depends on the type of vaccination. Most people associate rabies with dogs, cats, raccoons, skunks, wolves, etc. The most common animals to have rabies are dogs, cats, and raccoons. Rabies cases in cats have outnumbered all other domestic animals every year since 1988. There was fifty-three percents increase in cat rabies between 1991-1992. Most of the cases with cats have been unvaccinated strays. Even if your pets do not go outside, they should still be vaccinated. You cannot tell if you pet will accidentally get out or an infected animal will get in. Avoid close contact with any wild animal. Never feed, handle, pet, or take any wild animals in. Rabid animals will usually act in an abnormal way, have a foamy saliva around the mouth, and show a loss of hair or fur. If the animal is nocturnal, it may be out during the day. Rabid animals are usually very outgoing and aggressive. To keep wildlife away from your home avoid leaving pet food outside, and keep the lids on trash cans secure, or store them inside a garage or shed. You can prevent wildlife from your entering you home by sealing holes and screening chimneys. If a wild animal does get in, do not touch it. Call your local animal-control officer or humane society and let them remove it. The rabies virus can be transmitted in three different ways. These are through saliva, the bite of an infected animal, and by contact through the mucus membranes, or breaks in the skin. Symptoms develop in ten to fifty days after exposure to this virus. Symptoms in humans usually begin with depression, restlessness, fatigue, and a fever. This is followed by a period of excitability, excessive salivation, and convulsions, especially in throat spasms. The victim is unable to drink although he or she is extremely thirsty. Death from paralysis and suffocation follows within ten days. Once the symptoms of rabies have appeared, there is no possible treatment for the disease. The first vaccine against rabies was developed in France during the 1880's by Louis Pasteur. Rabies cases in humans have since become rare in the United States and other developed countries. This is because of the vaccination programs for domestic animals. People in high risk occupations such as veterinarians, forest-service, and health workers in developing countries are also often treated against the disease. In 1987 a less expensive, low-dose vaccine was introduced for a wider use by campers, travelers, etc. This is a series of shots that is painful, but it works very well. This is the latest type of vaccine available. There are four things you can do if you are bitten by an animal that might have rabies. You should wash any wounds thoroughly with warm soapy water. Immediately after, call your doctor or go to an emergency room. Collect as much information about the animal as possible. If it is someone else's pet, find out if it's rabies vaccinations are up to date. Then report the incident to you local animal control officer or health board. This is all you can do about the incident. There are very few rabies cases reported each year. The few cases reported, mostly with the contact off wild animals. The wild animals that are most frequently related with the spread of rabies are skunks, foxes, coyotes, raccoons, rabbits, bats, stray cats, squirrels, rats, and other small rodents. Despite the few cases reported, more people and animals die of rabies every year. Fortunately, there are vaccines to help prevent the kind of virus from spreading and taking animal or human lives.


The China Syndrome is about a nuclear power plant in Los Angeles, California. The Ventanna Nuclear Power Plant came close to the China Syndrome! A Channel 3 news reporter, Kimberly Wells, and her camera man, Richard Adams, captured an accident on film at the nuclear power plant that would have caused the China Syndrome. The China Syndrome could have killed off a place about the size of Pennsylvania. One of the head operators of the company, Jack Godell, talked to Kimberly Wells at a company gathering. Jack told Kimberly that there was just a turbine trip. Kimberly and her camera man went to Jack Godell's house and confronted him about the evidence. The camera man asked Jack to speak publicly about the accident. On the way to a Nuclear Power convention there was a car following Jack. Jack went to the Ventanna Nuclear Power Plant to hide from the people following him. After arriving, Jack went to the control room to find that the people running the plant were making a big mistake. He saw the people raising the power back up to 100%. He tried to explain that there could be another accident if they raised the power all the way because of a problem with the pumps. The people didn't believe Jack and were starting to raise the power up again. When Jack saw what they were doing he grabbed the security officer's gun and forced everyone out of the control room. After he locked the door he lowered the power down to 75% so the pumps wouldn't break. Jack agreed to have a one on one interview with Kimberly so the public would be warned. While the camera crew was on their way to do the live interview so was the S.W.A.T. team to get Jack out of the room. Also the people running the plant and who didn't believe Jack were up to something too. The operators were rerunning the wires to make a false accident that would distract Jack. The distraction would make it easier for the S.W.A.T. team to get inside the control room. The camera crew arrived and Kimberly went into the room where Jack was to do the interview. As soon as the interview started the operators tripped the alarm. Jack started to panic. The S.W.A.T. team broke in and shot Jack because he had a gun in his hand. After everything was over Jack said he could feel another accident coming. About five seconds later the room began to shake and the second accident started. The back up systems held up and there wasn't a China Syndrome. On the way out some of the people inside were saying nothing happened. Kimberly got in front of the camera and explained what happened. One of the head operators was stopped by Kimberly on his way out. He said Jack was not crazy, like everyone said, and there will be an investigation on the Ventanna Nuclear Power Plant.

Air pollution 2

In 1948, the industrial town of Donora, Pennsylvania suffered 28 deaths because of the thick smog. Air pollution is an ecological problem having to do with toxins in the air. There are a few things the human race has done to try to prevent air pollution from taking such a serious toll. Two of these are the Clean Air Acts and the increased use of solar power over coal power. By creating electric cars, the pollution caused by gasoline powered cars will be lessened. If the pollution is not stopped, it will cause life on earth as we know it to cease. Air pollution causes a number of health and ecological problems. It causes health problems like cancer, emphysema, and asthma. It also causes the depletion of the ozone layer which results in global warming and melting of the ice caps. Up until the industrial era, the air was fairly clean. The use of smokestacks and the burning of fuels put many pollutants in the air during this period of time. The increased use of fossil fuels today also builds on this. There have been many attempts at stopping air pollution. The Clean Air Acts were effective for a little while. They made using some polluting substances illegal. This did not work because people simply did not listen. Solar Energy is another attempted solution. This type of energy is good because it is an alternative energy source to coal and other polluting fossil fuels. The problem with solar energy is that it is extremely expensive, but it has been used extensively throughout the world. One of the more effective ways of eliminating air pollution is the making of electric cars. The use of these electric cars would completely reduce the amount of pollution in the air caused by gasoline powered cars. These cars are run on batteries instead of gasoline or other fuel. Though the use of solar cars seems more realistic, it would also be very expensive and unreliable. The difference primarily between solar and electrical power is the fact that solar cars would be much more expensive to make. The possibilities of making a cost efficient electric car are much more realistic than making a cost efficient solar car. By making the ecologically safe and inexpensive electric car, the pollution caused by gasoline powered cars would go down. Without making these changes, the globe will continue to heat up at an annual rate of .2 degrees a year which will result in the melting of the ice caps. If this were to happen, the water would rise 200 feet, flooding most of the earth. The Earth's ecosystem is a little bit like a web. It is very fragile and depends on all of its strands to maintain stableness. If the air is polluted it disrupts this web creating a total imbalance. This "total imbalance" would also occur if the water was polluted. In effect, when one part falls they all do. Believe me, "total imbalance" is not cool.


An estuary is a coastal area where fresh water from rivers and streams mixes with salt water from the ocean. Many bays, sounds, and lagoons along coasts are estuaries. Portions of rivers and streams connected to estuaries are also considered part of the estuary. The land area from which fresh water drains into the estuary is its watershed. Estuaries come in all shapes and sizes, each unique to their location and climate. Bays, sounds, marshes, swamps, inlets, and sloughs are all examples of estuaries. An estuary is a fascinating place from the largest landscape features to the smallest microscopic organisms. When viewing an estuary from the air on is practically amazed by dramatic river bends as freshwater finds its way back to the sea. The vast expanse of marsh grasses or mudflats extend into calm waters that then follow the curve of an expansive barrier beach. Wherever there are estuaries, there is a unique beauty. As rivers meet the sea, both ocean and land contribute to an ecosystem of specialized plants and animals. At high tide, seawater changes estuaries, submerging the plants and flooding creeks, marshes, panes, mudflats or mangroves, until what once was land is now water. Throughout the tides, the days and the years, an estuary is cradled between outreaching headlands and is buttressed on its vulnerable seaward side by fingers of sand or mud. Estuaries transform with the tides, the incoming waters seemingly bringing back to life organisms that have sought shelter from their temporary exposure to the non-aquatic world. As the tides decline, organisms return to their protective postures, receding into sediments and adjusting to changing temperatures. The community of life found on the land and in the water includes mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, shellfish, and plants all interacting within complex food webs. Flocks of shore birds stilt through the shallows, lunging long bills at their abundant prey of fish, worms, crabs or clams. Within the sediments, whether mud, sand or rocks, live billions of microscopic bacteria, a lower level of the food web based largely on decaying plants. Estuaries are tidally-influenced ecological systems where rivers meet the sea and fresh water mixes with salt water. Estuaries provide habitat;tens of thousands of birds, mammals, fish, and other wildlife depend on estuaries. They provide marine organisms, most commercially valuable fish species included, depend on estuaries at some point during their development. Where productivity is concerned, a healthy, untended estuary produces from four to ten times the weight of organic matter produced by a cultivated corn field of the same size. Estuaries provide water filtration;water draining off the uplands carries a load of sediments and nutrients. As water flows through salt marsh peat and the dense mesh of marsh grass blades, much of the sediment and nutrient load is filtered out. This filtration process creates cleaner and clearer water. Estuaries also provide flood control. Porous, resilient salt marsh soils and grasses absorb flood waters and diffuse storm surges. Salt marsh dominated estuaries provide natural buffers between the land and the ocean. They protect upland organisms as well as billions of dollars of human real estate. Estuaries are crucial transition zones between land and water that provide an environment for lessons in biology, geology, chemistry, physics, history, and social issues. Estuaries are significant to both marine life and people. They are critical for the survival of fish, birds, and other wildlife because they provide safe spawning grounds and nurseries. Marshes and other vegetation in the estuaries protect marine life and water quality by filtering sediment and pollution. They also provide barriers against damaging storm waves and floods. Estuaries also have economic, recreational, and aesthetic value. People love water sports and visit estuaries to boat, fish, swim, and just enjoy their beauty. As a result, the economy of many coastal areas is based primarily on the natural beauty and bounty of their estuaries. Estuaries often have ports serving shipping, transportation, and industry. Healthy estuaries support profitable, commercial fisheries. In fact, almost 31 percent of the Gross National Product (GNP) is produced in coastal counties. This relationship between plants, animals, and humans makes up and estuary's ecosystem. When its components are in balance, plant and animal life flourishes. Humans have long been attracted to estuaries. Indian mittens consisting of shellfish and fish bones are reminders of how ancient cultures lived. Since Colonial times we have used estuaries and their connecting network of rivers for transporting agricultural goods for manufacturing and trade. Not only do commercially important fish and shellfish spawn, nurse, or feed in estuaries, estuaries also feed our hears and minds. Scientists and even poets and painters are inspired by the beauty and diversity found in an estuary. Human activity also seriously threatens the vulnerable ecosystems found in the estuaries. Long considered to be wastelands, estuaries have had their channels dredged, marshes and tidal flats filled, waters populated, and shorelines reconstructed to accommodate our housing, transportation, and agriculture needs. As our population grows and the demands imposed on our natural resources increase, so too does the importance of protecting these resources for their natural and aesthetic values. In recognition to these threats, Congress, in 1987, established the National Estuary Program (NEP) as part of the Clean Water Act. The NEP's mission is to protect and restore the health of estuaries while supporting economic and recreational activities. To achieve this, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) helps create local NEPs by developing partnerships between government agencies that oversee estuarine resources and the people who depend on the estuaries for their livelihood and quality of life. These groups plan and implement programs according to the needs of their own areas. Local NEPs are demonstrating practical and innovative ways to revitalize and protect their estuaries. The benefit of this program is that it brings communities together to decide the future of their own estuaries. One specific estuary is the San Francisco Estuary. Human activities in the 1600 square mile Bay/Delta watershed region have drastically altered natural habitats and impaired the functions of the estuary's ecosystem. Poor cattle grazing practices contribute to soil erosion and water quality problems. In model public or private partnership, this NEP is assisting a private rancher in developing a grazing management strategy for a 500 acre parcel of public land within Wildcat Creek Regional Park. Strategies already being implemented include building barriers to prevent livestock from trampling sensitive habitats, installing pens to improvelivestock management, and selecting cattle grazing period to retard the growth of alien and nuisance plants. These measures encourage the regrowth of native bunchgrasses and fords that provide not only better habitat for wild life, but also more desirable forage for the cattle. In addition, soil erosion and pollutant loading should decrease. Another interesting and problematic estuary is New York-New Jersey Harbor Estuary. Trash and other foldable marine debris washing up on area beaches had been chronic problem for the New York-New Jersey Harbor Estuary, but unusual episodes in 1987 and 1988 shocked the public and closed many beaches. The New York-New Jersey Harbor GNP developed a short-term plan using helicopters and vessels for surveillance and capture of the foldable debris. Along-term plan to address the floatables problem was subsequently developed. This included the purchase of additional skimmer vessels to collect debris, a pollution decrease strategy, and an Operation Clean Shores program in New Jersey that has already removed 10,000 tons of debris. There are many estuaries in the United States that are in the NEP. There are also small estuaries. Such resources include the Mississippi and Alabama estuaries. The GNP, National Estuary Program's basic purpose is to bring new life to present-day estuaries.


ENDANGERED SPECIES STUDY I. The jaguars of Central and South America have been being killed for game and protection. This cat used to have homes around the United States to Uruguay, but ever since the fears of extinction the jaguars have moved to the undeveloped rain forests in Latin America. Jaguars are being killed due to many people fearing for their own lives and many are also being killed to protect cattle. Jaguars do stalk and ambush their prey, however, they rarely ever attack man. One of the main reasons that jaguars are still living is that they can adapt to many habitats, from tropical rain forests and swampy areas to scrub lands and grasslands. II. Jaguars are part of the life cycle of many species. Killing jaguars for protection and furs are ruining other species that live in the same range as them. These cats are of no harm to human life, most deaths that jaguars have had a part in were to protect themselves from being killed. Many jaguars just disappear from the pressures of being killed. While the animal is trying to change habitats they have died. The rain forests that the jaguars inhabit are being torn down to open up lumbering, farming, livestock raising, and other activities carried out by humans. Killing a jaguar is taking away a life that is doing no harm to the eco-system. A jaguars' way of living is much like that of a human, you don't see jaguars killing humans for their skin. III. Any endangered specie, including the jaguar, has many different alternatives in which the government or a national group would have to be involved. There are several organizations that help the breeding and life of many species. One way of breeding a specific species would be to freeze sperm and embryos so that scientists may breed more of the species when they are close to extinction. IV. I feel that the jaguar can be saved by forcing contractors to move their construction to a different place rather than a rain forest so that the jaguars may maintain their habitat. Scientists could also freeze sperm and embryos in order to keep the population of jaguars to a safe level. One last thing that I think should be outlawed is--poaching. Poaching is not right, these animals that are being killed have no right to be killed. Jaguars have done rarely anything to hurt mankind or any of mankinds' environment.

Population Bomb

"People are realizing that we cannot forever continue to multiply and subdue the earth without losing our standard of life and the natural beauty that must be part of it. these are the years of decision- the decision of men to stay the flood of man." Ehrlich here explains the one of the most pressing problems facing man in the 20th century. In Population Bomb Ehrlich explains that pollution, shortages, and an overall deterioation of the standard of living is all due to overpopulation. In chapter one Ehrlich explains the pressing problems facing modern civilization and how these problems are directly or indirectly linked to overpopulation. Ehrlich explains situation using various examples of how mass starvation is inevitable if population continues to increase the way it is currently. In third world countries their food supplies are becoming increasingly scarce because of their increasing populations. In these third world countries the rich-poor gap is increasing creating the potential for large parts of the population to starve. Paraphrasing Ehrlich's ideas in chapter can be explained as; there is only so many resources and as population increases those resources will soon be depleted. Ehrlich uses historical population research to lead to the conclusion that in 90 years the population could be well over the earths carrying capacity. In third world countries where population control is rarely used population, pollution, and scarcity are becoming ever increasing problems. Roughly 40% of the population in third world countries are children 15 years or older. Ehrlich explains that if population growth continues at this rate older generations will find themselves without adequate food and medicine. Near the end of the chapter Ehrlich explains the cause of the massive increase in population growth; as he explains that science and medicine have decreased the death rate exponentially while the birth rate has not decreased. In "Too Little Food" Ehrlich starts off with the assumption that about 50% of the people in the world are in some degree malnourished. He uses statistics from "New Republic" and the Population Crisis Committee to put the number of deaths to around four million people dying each year of starvation alone, not disease caused by starvation. Ehrlich explains that sometime around 1958 population growth exceeded the available food supply. When this happened the laws of supply and demand took over and caused massive inflation in food costs and causes marginal farm land to be put into production. All of these signs caused a period of time with severe shortages in food. In 1966 alone the world population increased by 70 million while food production remained relativly the same from 1965. Ehrlich shows that the increasing food shortages in under developed countries are putting an extra strain on US to produce more food to keep them from starving. Another problem arises from these food shipments to third world countries; third world countries are becoming dependant on aid shipments, and because of this their own food production has declined. Ehrlich says, " Most of these countries now rely heavily on imports. As the crisis deepens, where will the imports come from? Not from Russia.Not from Canada, Argentina, or Australia. They need money and will be busy selling to food-short countries such as Russia, who can afford to buy. From the US then? They will get some, perhaps, but not anywhere near enough. Our vast agricultural surpluses are gone. Our agriculture is already highly efficient so that the prospects of massively increasing production are dim. And the problems of food transports are vast. No responsible person thinks that the US can save the world from famine with food exports, although there is considerable debate as to how long we can put off the day of reckoning. In the final part of chapter one Ehrlich states all the problems that overpopulation has created. One of the first problems is the environmental consequences of agriculture. Even the US in facing problems maintaing our massive food production; erosion, strip- mining, and gullying have become pressing problems facing the US. Ehrlich presents a paradox by explaining that as food production is increased, the quantity and quality of the farmlands are being destroyed; man is faced with a complicated problem. One of these problems is pesticides. The pesticide industry has actually created "super pests". These pests are immune to pesticides. Ehrlich uses the DDT as an example of how pesticides have actually comeback to damage the ecosystem they were meant to protect. DDT a pesticide used frequently in the middle part of the century to control mosquitos and other like pests, has been found to be a carcinogen and very dangerous to human life. Traces of this chemical have been found at such bizzare places as in pengiuns in Antarctica and Eskimos in Alaska. Another problem Ehrlich denotes is the "Greenhouse Effect." All of the carbon dioxide from industry and air pollution has affected how much heat has been radiated back to space. Ehrlich surmises that if we continue to tamper with the atmosphere and alter the tempature a few degrees in one way or the other; we could possibly risk another ice age, or the melting of the polar ice caps. Ehrlich closes chapter one with the basic theory of, "Too many cars, too many factories, too much detergent, too much pesticide,, multiplying contrails, inadequate sewage treatment plants, too little water, too much carbon dioxide, all can be traced easily to too much people. Chapter three outlines what is being done to combat the problems of overpopulation. The first solution that Ehrlich crtiques is Family Planning. Ehrlich denotes several flaws in family planning. He first notes how the Rythmn Method used by many catholic nations is only 15% effective in the prevention of pregnancy. He also notes that by the time many women come into family planning practices they already have six or seven children. Ehrlich also uses India as an empirical example of how family planning failed. India at the start of the program had a population of 370 million people and a growth rate of around 1.3%. After 16 years of effort by the program the population of India soared to over 500 million and the growth rate more than doubled to 3%. Ehrlich states quite emphatically, "In fact, I know of no country in the world that has achieved true population control through family planning." The other solution Ehrlich examines the probability of the producing more food and other materials to maintain a larger population. Ehrlich starts by saying that this is basically non-sense, the world will reach its carrying capacity and nothing can be done about it. He says, " Can we expect great increases in food production to occur through the placing of more land under cultivation? The answer is a most definite NO." If more land can not be put under cultivation then the production curve must some how be shifted to maximize output under the same status-quo situations. Ehrlich really see no way to increase production enough to counteract the effects of overpopulation. In the final chapter of what is being done Ehrlich looks at the current solutions to the environment as either impractical or borderline absurd. Ehrlich examines how industry is polluting the atmosphere and yet their are no substantial regulations placed upon them. Ehrlich mentions several types of pollution such as: pesticides, carbon dioxide, detergent, and even noise pollution. Ehrlich closes the chapter with the analogy," What then, is being done overall to nurse our sick environment back to health? How well are we treating these symptoms of the Earth's disease of overpopulation. Are we getting ahead of the filfth, corruption, and noise? Are we guarding the natural cycles on which our lives depend? Are we protecting ourselves from the subtle and chronic poisining? The answer is obvious the pallatives are too few and too weak. The patient continues to get sicker." In the final chapters 4 and 5 Ehrlich looks at what solutions are possible and what man can do to help out in the battle on overpopulation. Ehrlich's solution to overpopulation is explained quite simple," A general answer to the question `what needs to be done?' is simple. We must bring the world population under control, bringing the growth rate to zero or making it go negative."

Animal Rights

"Isn't man an amazing animal? He kills wildlife--birds, kangaroos, deer, all kinds of cats, coyotes, groundhogs, mice, foxes and dingoes--by the million in order to protect his domestic animals and their feed. Then he kills domestic animals by the billion and eats them. This in turn kills man by the million, because eating all those animals leads to degenerative--and fatal--health conditions like heart disease, kidney disease, and cancer. So then man tortures and kills millions more animals to look for cures for these diseases. Elsewhere, millions of other human beings are being killed by hunger and malnutrition because food they could eat is being used to fatten domestic animals. Meanwhile, some people are dying of sad laughter at the absurdity of man, who kills so easily and so violently, and once a year sends out cards praying for "Peace on Earth." (Coats, 13) We need to realize, that in today's society, animals deserve just as much freedom as humans have. Although we are larger in size, we are not superior in status. Animals have been around on the earth for as long as humans, if not longer. Animals play an important role in today's society whether or not we choose to admit it. Like a newborn baby learning to play with others we must learn to share the planet with animals. One of the main issues being disputed today with animal right, is SUPERIORITY. Over 7 Billion animals die at the hands of humans, in the US, every year. Out of those 7 Billion animals, about 95% of them are killed for uses as food. Advocates for animal rights justify their research by presenting the obvious differences that exist between humans and animals. These include size, status, strength, and ability. Sometimes, one who is against animal rights will take the attitude that "God gave them [animals] to us to use." What these researchers fail to recognize is PAIN. All creatures are capable of feeling pain. If a creature is capable of experiencing the pain then they too can wish for the pain to end. That right, along with many others, of animals is being denied to them even as we speak. Animals have a few basic rights which should be observed by all, no matter what company or corporation they belong to. These rights include freedom, the right to live peacefully in their own environment, the right to receive respect and most importantly, the right to LIFE. Throughout history it has been noted by many, that humans have gained their existence from animals. In 1871, Charles Darwin proposed that one species could evolve from another. He stated that humans had evolved from other primates, such as apes and monkeys. Darwin related human feelings to those of animals. By stating that certain human characteristics could be traced back to animals, Darwin caused much controversy. He was now contradicting the traditional relationship between human and animal. In a way, almost putting them both on the same level. This theory questioned all that was believed to be true in society and made people think about their purpose. With many of the experiments done today, animals are mistreated in every way shape and form. Usually, there is a lack of adequate food and water. Ventilation for the animals is minimal and many times cages are packed full with animals, leaving very little if any room to move around. On many occasions, the animal will die throughout the course of the experiment. Animals are in laboratories, today, because we are powerful enough to keep them there, not because they truly belong there. Once we have an animal caged and restrained, we suddenly gain an even greater feeling of superiority over the animal. No matter what laws exist, experimentation will continue. This is because the experimenter's imagination is endless. Our containing the animals can be related to one's enslavery of another human being. One way in which many domesticated, yet homeless, animals are brought to laboratories is through Pound Seizure. Pound Seizure is a law which requires shelters/pounds to sell, "extra" animals to experimenters. As a result of Pound Seizure, 200,000 stray/homeless cats and dogs die at the hands of researchers each year. At the moment, there are five states which allow and have Pound Seizure Laws. Iowa, MN, OK, SD, and UT all allow these practices to go on legally. Today, one major reason that the animal rights movement still plays a minor part in society is IGNORANCE. Many people feel that animal testing does not exist because they do not see it directly. What they do not realize is that animal testing is being done by many of the major companies around today. Colgate, Palmolive, Gillette, Johnson & Johnson, and L'Oreal all test on animals. One way to get around using these animal tested products is to look for products that will specifically state "No Animal Testing Done On This Product." Today, an animal's rights are protected by the Animal Welfare Act which was passed in 1966. It sets standards for the treatment of animals used in research, zoos, circuses, and pet stores. It covers housing, food, cleanliness, and medical care. Although this act covers many animals, mice and rats, which account for 70% of animals used in testing, are not included, and many animal rights activists claim that the standards are not strictly enforced. According to Psychological Abstracts, every year approximately 1-2 million animals are used for research purposes. About 90% of the animals that are used are rats, mice, and birds. Presently there are two major animal rights groups around. They would be PETA and the ASPCA. PETA (People For the Ethical Treatment of Animals), promotes vegetarianism "Does Your Food Have A Face?" (Achor, 57) and "cruelty free" products. PETA attempts to establish and defend the rights of all animals. Their primary focus is on the factory farms, laboratories and the fur trade, but will also concern themselves with hunting, fishing, zoos, the circus and other ways in which animals are used for entertainment purposes. PETA is actively involved in exposing all the illegal practices used in animal experimentation. As many new studies continue to come out, more research is pointing to the conclusion that animal experiments are not always as accurate as we'd like to think they are. Although some similarities exist, quite a few of the positive results gotten from animal tests, will backfire when first used by humans. A commonly used test by researchers is the LD 50. The LD 50 (Lethal Dose) gets its name because in this experiment 100 animals are taken, and then subjected to lethel doses of a potentially dangerous chemical or drug. The dosage is the increased until 50 of the animals die. If the animal is "lucky" enough to survive, its life will be a total hell. They could end up being deformed for life. If not deformed than definitely traumatized. After being subjected to constant pain, punishment, stress and social and emotional deprivation, the animal might never act the same. Animal rights is a humane position which looks out for the rights of others not just humans. It must be understood, that all living beings are unique expressions of life. They each have their own inherent value, for if they did not, then why would they exist? We may think that just because animals do not speak to us, that they do not possess feelings, but they are capable of feeling pain and suffering. Just like you and me animals have the right to live their life without exploitation, or unnecessary pain.

Animal Rights

"Isn't man an amazing animal? He kills wildlife--birds, kangaroos, deer, all kinds of cats, coyotes, groundhogs, mice, foxes and dingoes--by the million in order to protect his domestic animals and their feed. Then he kills domestic animals by the billion and eats them. This in turn kills man by the million, because eating all those animals leads to degenerative--and fatal--health conditions like heart disease, kidney disease, and cancer. So then man tortures and kills millions more animals to look for cures for these diseases. Elsewhere, millions of other human beings are being killed by hunger and malnutrition because food they could eat is being used to fatten domestic animals. Meanwhile, some people are dying of sad laughter at the absurdity of man, who kills so easily and so violently, and once a year sends out cards praying for "Peace on Earth." (Coats, 13) We need to realize, that in today's society, animals deserve just as much freedom as humans have. Although we are larger in size, we are not superior in status. Animals have been around on the earth for as long as humans, if not longer. Animals play an important role in today's society whether or not we choose to admit it. Like a newborn baby learning to play with others we must learn to share the planet with animals. One of the main issues being disputed today with animal right, is SUPERIORITY. Over 7 Billion animals die at the hands of humans, in the US, every year. Out of those 7 Billion animals, about 95% of them are killed for uses as food. Advocates for animal rights justify their research by presenting the obvious differences that exist between humans and animals. These include size, status, strength, and ability. Sometimes, one who is against animal rights will take the attitude that "God gave them [animals] to us to use." What these researchers fail to recognize is PAIN. All creatures are capable of feeling pain. If a creature is capable of experiencing the pain then they too can wish for the pain to end. That right, along with many others, of animals is being denied to them even as we speak. Animals have a few basic rights which should be observed by all, no matter what company or corporation they belong to. These rights include freedom, the right to live peacefully in their own environment, the right to receive respect and most importantly, the right to LIFE. Throughout history it has been noted by many, that humans have gained their existence from animals. In 1871, Charles Darwin proposed that one species could evolve from another. He stated that humans had evolved from other primates, such as apes and monkeys. Darwin related human feelings to those of animals. By stating that certain human characteristics could be traced back to animals, Darwin caused much controversy. He was now contradicting the traditional relationship between human and animal. In a way, almost putting them both on the same level. This theory questioned all that was believed to be true in society and made people think about their purpose. With many of the experiments done today, animals are mistreated in every way shape and form. Usually, there is a lack of adequate food and water. Ventilation for the animals is minimal and many times cages are packed full with animals, leaving very little if any room to move around. On many occasions, the animal will die throughout the course of the experiment. Animals are in laboratories, today, because we are powerful enough to keep them there, not because they truly belong there. Once we have an animal caged and restrained, we suddenly gain an even greater feeling of superiority over the animal. No matter what laws exist, experimentation will continue. This is because the experimenter's imagination is endless. Our containing the animals can be related to one's enslavery of another human being. One way in which many domesticated, yet homeless, animals are brought to laboratories is through Pound Seizure. Pound Seizure is a law which requires shelters/pounds to sell, "extra" animals to experimenters. As a result of Pound Seizure, 200,000 stray/homeless cats and dogs die at the hands of researchers each year. At the moment, there are five states which allow and have Pound Seizure Laws. Iowa, MN, OK, SD, and UT all allow these practices to go on legally. Today, one major reason that the animal rights movement still plays a minor part in society is IGNORANCE. Many people feel that animal testing does not exist because they do not see it directly. What they do not realize is that animal testing is being done by many of the major companies around today. Colgate, Palmolive, Gillette, Johnson & Johnson, and L'Oreal all test on animals. One way to get around using these animal tested products is to look for products that will specifically state "No Animal Testing Done On This Product." Today, an animal's rights are protected by the Animal Welfare Act which was passed in 1966. It sets standards for the treatment of animals used in research, zoos, circuses, and pet stores. It covers housing, food, cleanliness, and medical care. Although this act covers many animals, mice and rats, which account for 70% of animals used in testing, are not included, and many animal rights activists claim that the standards are not strictly enforced. According to Psychological Abstracts, every year approximately 1-2 million animals are used for research purposes. About 90% of the animals that are used are rats, mice, and birds. Presently there are two major animal rights groups around. They would be PETA and the ASPCA. PETA (People For the Ethical Treatment of Animals), promotes vegetarianism "Does Your Food Have A Face?" (Achor, 57) and "cruelty free" products. PETA attempts to establish and defend the rights of all animals. Their primary focus is on the factory farms, laboratories and the fur trade, but will also concern themselves with hunting, fishing, zoos, the circus and other ways in which animals are used for entertainment purposes. PETA is actively involved in exposing all the illegal practices used in animal experimentation. As many new studies continue to come out, more research is pointing to the conclusion that animal experiments are not always as accurate as we'd like to think they are. Although some similarities exist, quite a few of the positive results gotten from animal tests, will backfire when first used by humans. A commonly used test by researchers is the LD 50. The LD 50 (Lethal Dose) gets its name because in this experiment 100 animals are taken, and then subjected to lethel doses of a potentially dangerous chemical or drug. The dosage is the increased until 50 of the animals die. If the animal is "lucky" enough to survive, its life will be a total hell. They could end up being deformed for life. If not deformed than definitely traumatized. After being subjected to constant pain, punishment, stress and social and emotional deprivation, the animal might never act the same. Animal rights is a humane position which looks out for the rights of others not just humans. It must be understood, that all living beings are unique expressions of life. They each have their own inherent value, for if they did not, then why would they exist? We may think that just because animals do not speak to us, that they do not possess feelings, but they are capable of feeling pain and suffering. Just like you and me animals have the right to live their life without exploitation, or unnecessary pain.


Predators and Ecosystem Management Predators have an everlasting effect on different kinds of ecosystems. They influence there ecosystems by controlling the abundance of lower species certain habitats. In this article, "Predators and Ecosystem Management" by (James A. Estes). He explains results of case studies that indicate important ecological roles for predators in a huge coastal ecosystem. The main challenge in this article is to determine if there are recurrent patterns else where in nature and to also understand when and where they occur. The author gives his perspective on predators and the coastal ecosystems by giving us a living example, the sea otter and the kelp forests. The relation between the sea otters and the kelp-forests was provided because of a accident of history, the over-exploitation of sea otters in the Pacific maritime fur trade. The study compared areas where sea otters were abundant with nearby areas to area's where they're almost extinct. By doing this comparison of the sea otters coastal system it was possible to gain much insight into the sea otter ecological role in kelp-forest ecosystem. Over the years it's been possible for us to observe the kelp-forest ecosystem over-time, thanks to the massive growth of the sea otters population we observed the change from otter-free to otter-dominated. This article relates to many aspects of our textbook. On page 89 in chapter 5 the text explains what an ecosystem is, defined by the book, it's a community of species interacting with one another where there is a non-living environment. In this case the otter and kelp-forests ecosystems a coastal ecosystem. As mentioned in the book, the food chain is involved in the sequence of events with the organism that are the source of the food. In a survey of coastal habitats in many areas of the North Pacific Ocean have revealed that kelp forests usually are extensively deforested where sea otters are absent whereas this condition is rare where occur ( Estes and Duggins 1995). All ecosystem management has recently emerged as the main way of conversation in wildlife biology and as an alternative to the traditional approach of species-level management. This kind of approach, (1) has involved many resource-management agencies because of the growth or disappearance of their habitats, and (2) the amount of species is great and the time is too short to conserve these species in any other way.

An incident

When you are happy, you never think that it can end in a second. Of course, if you always had tried to imagine something bad, you would not have been so happy. After an incident I had had once, I understood that happiness could be just one step away from loosing it. I was seventeen. Summer was in the air, but we could not enjoy it because it was the time of our graduation and we had to study for our final exams. When exams were over, we were relieved and decided that we deserved some rest. Usually, people prefer resting on beaches, living in expensive hotels, eating at exclusive restaurants, and enjoying other services provided by travel companies. Although it really is careless relaxation, my friends and I always preferred to travel to wild places. After the complicated life of the big city, with its intense traffic and polluted air, with its endless problems, union with nature seemed to us the most worthwhile way to relax. Getting prepared for the trip already made me excited. It was very important not to forget anything. Finally, when all preparations were made, and the cars loaded up, we, following our chosen route, dreamed of our coming adventures. On that particular vacation, we had chosen a place named Blue Lakes. It was really a place of wildlife. In the summer, the forest was beautiful. It burst into leaves and needles, and abounded with mushrooms and berries. The unbelievable silence was sometimes interrupted only by birds and insects. The amazing lakes, which were situated all over the wood, seemed to complete the picture. In addition, Mother nature had given every lake some unique feature. Red Lake, for example, seemed to have red water, because of the iodine in it. Cold Lake had a very low temperature, even on the hottest days, so that when I touched it with my foot I shivered from its chilliness. But the most impressive lake was Dead Lake, which seemed to boil because of its phosphorus. Due to it, the lake was always under a fog. Besides, Dead Lake's bottom had several levels. In other words, it was like a labyrinth under the water. It was untouchable and, at the same time, mysterious. We camped near a lake that was simply beautiful, without any of the aforementioned extraordinary qualities. Soon, everybody found himself busy with fishing, swimming, and playing games. Sometimes, leaving two people at the camp, we went to see the other interesting places. During one of those trips, we had to cross a deep and narrow river which had such a strong current that we could not swim across. As I said above, the place was wild and, of course, there was no bridge. We solved that problem by spanning the two banks with a log. Half of us crossed the river without fear, but when my turn came, the fear thrilled through my veins. I am not a good swimmer; therefore, it was a serious problem for me. I tried not to show my fear. I said to myself, "You can do it," and started going. My legs were trembling, but I managed to hold my balance. When I was watching my steps, I could see the strong current. Yet I kept saying myself, "A few more steps and you are done". At the moment when I was half way across, suddenly, the log turned and I lost my balance. I got wet instantly. Thousands of bubbles pushed from my body. Unwillingly, I inhaled some water and felt that I was carried away by the stream. I waved my hands desperately trying to swim, but the current forced me straight ahead. Despite all the water around me, my throat was dry. I felt myself getting tired and panicky. Eventually, I grabbed a branch of a tree that was growing almost in the river. Then, my friends threw me an end of the rope and pulled me out. I was coughing and felt dizzy, but it was good to feel the ground under my feet again. After everything was over, we returned to our camp and, after a while, everybody seemed to forget what happened to me, or when somebody brought it up, he just made fun of it. It wasn't funny for me though. I could not help thinking that I had started crossing the river just because I did not want to look like a coward in front of my friends. Who knows what could have happened to me if I had not seized the branch. I could have drown easily. One minute ago I was happy and another I did not know where I was going to. After this incident, I am afraid of not only water, but also loosing something because of my thoughtlessness and impulsiveness. I became more careful and mature. When I am happy now, I always say to myself, "Watch out!"


The ocean covers Seventy-one percent of our planets surface. Life is concentrated, however, in about four percent of it, and it is this four percent that is being polluted by the tons every day. Everyone needs to understand that the oceans are not endless, and not bottomless. They also much see that the ocean contains much marine life which are essential to our eco-system. And in order to preserve this other world of life, we must stop polluting the oceans, and begin to clean them up. Although using the ocean for a toxic waste dump may provide for a cheap alternative, we must not succumb to these barbaric urges. If we neglect to deal with these ideals, than the world as we know it may not be as great a world for our children as it was for us. First, we need to understand that the oceans are not the vast resources that we believe them to be, but just vulnerable natural resources. Before Columbus' day, the ocean were thought to be boundless. Although Columbus proved this theory incorrect, the thought still remains in today's societies. "For we of the 20th century still treat the ocean as the endless, bottomless pit it was considered to be in medieval times."(Heyerdahl) The majority of the world's population still lives under the misconception that the ocean is a hungry abyss, eager to devour all their waste. These beliefs, however, are all untrue. The average depth of the oceans is only a little more than a mile, when in fact, some lakes exceed this depth rather handily. Although the size of the ocean is often pondered, the thought that it may one day be gone, is never even considered. The vast majority of all life in the ocean, inhabits only 1/25 of these waters, but it is these surroundings that are in the most danger. In the beginning of the world, marine plankton was vital to the evolution of man. Today, it is even more important to us, being that it provides us with a great percentage of oxygen we receive. "These minute plant species manufactured so much oxygen that it rose above the surface to help form the atmosphere we have today."(Heyerdahl) With the disappearance of the plankton through increased pollution, the obvious result will be a total deprivation of our oxygen supply, in turn limiting all people to certain limits. And with urban expansion leading to deforestation, our dependence upon marine life becomes heightened. The importance of marine plankton cannot be emphasized enough, yet most people fail to recognize it as the vital life supply it is. Further, since the turn of the century, humans have continually polluted the waters of the ocean. The trend has not lessened; but has increased as time has passed. "Most of our new chemical products are not only toxic: they are in fact created to sterile and kill. And they keep on displaying these same inherent abilities wherever they end up."(Heyerdahl) Although pollution reforms are in place, the clean-up efforts cannot keep up with the constant pollution. These wastes are not degradable; they remain in the ocean causing more death until they wash up on a distant shore. "Through sewers and seepage they all head for the ocean, where they remain to accumulate as undesired nuts and bolts in between the cogwheels of a so far smoothly running machine."(Heyerdahl) Everyday, over 40,000 tons of garbage from the major cities of America alone are taken on a one-way excursion. Where to? The ocean, to sit like the many generations of waste before them. This constant abuse to our natural resources will not be endured for long; for even the ocean has limits. In order to survive longer as a species on this planet, we must stop polluting the oceans, save the fragile marine eco-system, and understand that even the ocean has limitations, and that they are being pushed too far. "Can man survive with a dead ocean?"(Heyerdahl) The answer is clear and obvious: no. We cannot conceivably survive without the immeasurable subsistence the ocean provides us. Currently, we are on the path to self-destruction. We need get off this often traveled beaten path, and blaze a new one for ourselves. These ideas have been around since the beginning; now its time to adhere to them.

The EPA Can It Will it Save Our Environment

Pollution of our environment is an issue that concerns each and every one of us. "The threat of environmental degradation now looms greater than the threat of nuclear war." Patrick Henry said, "I know no way of judging the future but by the past." In the past man has trampled on the environment. "The word 'ecology' means 'a study of home.'" It means discovering what damage man has done, then finding ways to fix it.The Environmental Protection Agency is trying to fix our home, the planet Earth. Destruction of forests, land degradation, atmosperic contamination, and water scarcity are some of the major environmental problems. In 1970, the EPA was created by President Nixon to protect the public health and environment. The cancer-causing DDT was banned in 1972 and was found accumulating in the food chain. The use of lead in gasoline was phased out in '73 which caused lead levels to drop 98%. In '74 the agency required drinking water to be physically and chemically treated. CFCs were banned in '78 and a nation-wide toxic waste site cleanup program was developed in 1980. The EPA then evacuated Times Beach, Montana for dangerous levels of dioxin in soil, which was then criticized for its heavyhandedness and arrogance. Charges of mismanagement and undue political influence caused the head of the EPA to resign in '83. "The deputy director resigns because of charges of making a 'hit list' of employees to be hired, fired, or promoted because of political leanings. The former head of the toxic waste cleanup is found guilty of perjury and obstructing congressional inquiry. A regulation requiring treatment of hazardous wastes before disposal underground was made in 1984." The spill of the Exxon Valdez caused the Environmental Protection Agency to be ctiticized for slow response in '89. Texas Eastern Gas Pipeline was fined $15 million for the contamination of PCB at 89 sites in '90. They were also required to pay $750 million in cleanups. "The EPA then develops the new Clean Air Act which required states to demonstrate progress toward meeting national air quality standards for harmful pollutants such as smog and carbon monoxide." The EPA issued a report in 1990 ranking the most serious threats to the environment and to human health. The highest-risk problems to human health are air pollution, exposure to toxic chemicals, and pollution of drinking water. In '91, $25 million in fines was given by Exxon Corporation and Exxon Shipping and the U.S. and Alaskan governments received $100 million. They also estimated a $900 million redemption fund. In '93, the EPA announced that secondhand smoke can cause cancer, which the tobacco industry representatives said were inconclusive. The Clinton administration then doubled the list of chemicals that must be publicly reported under community right-to-know laws in 1994. There was then a proposal to cut their budget by $1 billion from a Republican controlled Congress, to the level it was 15 years ago. "The Environmental Protection Agency has made the country a better place for people to live," according to EPA Administrator Carol Browner. But notice other comments that have been made about them. "The federal EPA is enmeshed in political controversy and a struggle for its very existance." When it was created in December 1970, they have been embroiled in one drama after another- both environmental and political. "Congress distrusts it, businesses hate it, and even its friends criticize it. The EPA has made a commendable effort at trying to protect our environment. For instance, in reducing indoor pollution where we see non-smoking areas designated and the restriction of cigarette ads from television have helped people in general. The recycling effort, the disposal of toxic wastes, and the passage of laws to protect our environment have been beneficial, however, special interest groups and lobbyists have made their job difficult. Because of the controversy and termoil in and out of the agency, would certainly indicate that the EPA is not capable of solving our environmental problems.

Time To Change

The earth and many of its contents, thanks in large part to humans, is deteriorating and it has been for quite a time now. It is overwhelmingly populated with both ignorant and lazy people. In effect, not much is being done to prevent this deterioration. For instance, we are killing off vital animal populations every day. We have caused the extinction or endangerment of numerous species for absolutely no reason other than selfishness. An example is the poaching of elephants. We are killing these animals only for our own wealth. We take their ivory and leave them behind to die. As a result, they are on the verge of extinction. Also, pollution caused by humans and their inventions cause a major dilemma. Automobile exhaust fumes and factory pollutants are only a couple of the impurities causing damaging affects to the ozone layer and atmosphere. We depend on the ozone to defend us from harmful UV rays. Finally, we have a major impact on the degeneration of natural resources. Millions of gallons of oil, coal, and other valuable resources are wasted each day. These are just a few of the human disruptions to nature available to our knowledge. We are conscious of many more, and there are probably others that we are not aware of. If we do not start taking them seriously soon it will be too late, if it is not already. We need to reevaluate our priorities and plan for the future existence of this world. A group labeled the Earth-Firsters' often attempt to accomplish this task through drastic and sometimes dangerous methods. As Joni Seager states ( The Eco-Fringe: Deep Ecology, Pg. 636), "In Australia, Earth-First protesters buried themselves up to their necks in the sand in the middle of logging roads to stop lumbering operations; in the American Southwest, Earth Firsters handcuffed themselves to trees and bulldozers to prevent logging; and in California, they dressed in dolphin and mermaid costumes to picket the stockholders' meeting of a tuna-fishing company." The Earth-Firsters' tactics are not the only drastic only measures they practice. Their ideas seem to be quite extreme as well. For example, they believe the population of the world is entirely too high, by as much as ninety percent, causing too much "wear and tear" to the earth. To resolve this issue, some say we should cease all study toward the curing of disease. Others said we should stop aid to the poor, sick, and homeless. They ration in Africa that the sickness is a natural occurrence. Also, some of the Earth-Firsters' believe in order to conserve land and nature, people should be banned from a large portion of the earth. These are only a few examples of the many bold philosophies of the Earth-Firster society. The Earth-Firsters' have some good propositions, but most of them are not practicable. We need to set standards and ideals that can realistically be accomplished. It is not possible to change the world in one day. Instead of killing ninety percent of the population, we might control the number of offspring allowed to each individual. This approach would more likely be sustained. In order to conserve the earth, we should section off small portions all over the globe, as opposed to completely zoning off one giant segment. This would provide a habitat suitable for wildlife in any conditions. Earth-Firsters' lay equal blame on everyone, no matter their position, views, or actions. Obviously, some people are more viable than others when it comes to preserving the environment. The president of a logging business is achieving much more harm than the average worker. Businesses need more regulations. Most businesses act upon deals that are only going to profit themselves. As a result, many products on the market today are harmful to the environment. Finally, politicians have to get into the picture. We need honest leaders who are aware of what is going on and who truthfully want to help the people. Obviously, it is past time for the world to change in its habits. This essay could go on for pages resolving solutions to make these alterations. Nevertheless, each solution would be composed of the same principle: Compromise! It is impossible to force everyone to quit their jobs and become "Earth-Firsters." The world, as a whole, needs to come together and form a lawful, yet realistic plan. By doing this we will know what we are aiming for and society will understand the damaging effects we are having on our planet.
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