Dreams, a nightly gift and a part of the natural process of being alive, are being rediscovered by our publisher. The meaning and value of your dreams will vary according to what you and your society decide. Our society is changing. We used to only value dreams in the context of psychotherapy. There are also a few assumptions about dreams. One is that you are always the final authority on what the dream means. Others can offer insight, suggestions and techniques for exploration and expression, but no one knows what the final meaning and value of the dreams will be for you, except you. Another assumption is that dreams come in the service of wholeness and health. If you find an interpretation that does not fit this, perhaps you need to change methods of interpretation. Dream interpretations that lead you toward self- criticism, depression or despair are simply wrong and if these conditions persist you may wish to seek help from others.


Finally, there is no such thing as a dream with one meaning. If you feel stuck on one meaning or feel another person is pushing one meaning, it is time to reconsider your methods and approach. (Lemley p. 17).Clinical dream work is done within the context of psychotherapy and clinical and sleep research have different approaches and goals than peer dream work. (Koch-Sheras p.16). A dream is a period of spontaneous brain activity usually lasting from about 5-40 minutes that occurs during sleep several times a night usually about 90 minute intervals (Barret p.8). There are also certain types of dreams. There are fantasy, daydream and waking dreams. There are also lucid dreams, nightmares and night terrors. There are also certain stages in the dream cycle. In the first stage, your body temperature drops, your eyes close and your brain waves begin regular alpha rhythms, indicating a relaxed state. Muscles lose their tension, breathing becomes more even and your heart rate slows. Second, random images begin to float through your mind mimicking the dream state. Jolting or involuntary movements will take place at this time. Third, muscles lose all tightness, breathing becomes slower, heart rate decreases and blood pressure falls. At this point, it will take a loud noise or disturbance to wake you up. You are now fully asleep. Finally, you are in a deep sleep. This is the most physically rested period of sleep and longest in duration.


Information vs. Entertainment

The telecommunications industry continues to insist that functions such as entertainment and home shopping will be the driving forces behind the construction of the Information SuperHighway. Yet, there is a growing body of evidence that suggests that consumers want more information-related services, and would be more willing to pay for these than for movies-on-demand, video games, or home shopping services.

Two surveys published in October 1994 had very similar findings. According
to the Wall Street Journal (Bart Ziegler, "Interactive Options May be Unwanted, Survey Indicates," Oct. 5, 1994, page B8), a Lou Harris poll found that "a total of 63% of consumers surveyed said they would be interested in using their TV or PC to receive health-care information, lists of government services, phone numbers of businesses and non-profit groups, product reviews and similar information. In addition, almost three-quarters said they would like to receive a customized news report, and about half said they would like some sort of communications service, such as the ability to send messages to others. But only 40% expressed interest in movies-on-demand or in ordering sports programs, and only about a third said they want interactive shopping."

A survey commissioned by MacWorld (Charles Piller, "Dreamnet", MacWorld,
Oct 1994, pages 96-105) which claims to be "one of the most extensive
benchmarks of consumer demand for interactive services yet conducted"
found that "consumers are much more interested in using emerging networks
for information access, community involvement, self-improvement, and
communication, than for entertainment." Out of a total of 26 possible
online capabilities, respondents rated video-on-demand tenth, with only
28% indicating that this service was highly desirable. Much more desirable
activities included on-demand access to reference materials, distance
learning, interactive reports on local schools, and access to information
about government services and training. Thirty-four percent of the sample
was willing to pay over $10 per month for distance learning, yet only 19%
was willing to pay that much for video-on-demand or other entertainment

If people say they desire informational services more than entertainment
and shopping (and say that they're willing to pay for it), why does the
telecommunications industry continue to focus on plans oriented towards
entertainment and shopping? Because, in the long run, the industry believes
that this other set of services will prove more lucrative. After all, there
are numerous examples in other domains of large profits made from
entertainment and shopping services, and very few such examples from
informational services.

It is also possible that the industry believes that popular opinion can
easily be shifted from favoring informational services to favoring
entertainment and shopping. For several years telecommunications industry
supporters have been attempting to gain support for deregulation of that
industry by citing the wealth of interesting informational services that
would be available if this industry was freed from regulatory constraints.
Sectors of the industry may well believe that the strength of consumer
desire for the Information SuperHighway to meet information needs
(as shown in these polls) is a result of this campaign. According to this
argument, if popular opinion can be swayed in one direction, it can be
swayed back in the other direction

Popular discourse would have us believe that the Information SuperHighway
will just be a faster, more powerful version of the Internet. But there
are key differences between these two entities, and in many ways they are
diametrically opposed models.


The metering that will have to accompany pay-per-view on the Information
SuperHighway will need to track everything that an individual looks at
(in case s/he wants to challenge the bill). It will also give governmental
agencies the opportunity to monitor reading habits. Many times in the past
the FBI has tried to view library circulation records to see who has been
reading which books. In the online age, service providers can track
everything a user has bought, read, or even looked at. And they plan to sell
this information to anyone willing to pay for it.

In an age where people engage in a wide variety of activities online,
service providers will amass a wealth of demographic and consumption
information on each individual. This information will be sold to other
organizations who will use it in their marketing campaigns. Some
organizations are already using computers and telephone messaging systems
to experiment with this kind of demographic targeting. For example, in
mid-1994, Rolling Stone magazine announced a new telephone-based ordering
system for music albums. After using previous calls to build "a profile of
each caller's tastes ... custom messages will alert them to new releases
by their favorite artists or recommend artists based on previous selections.
" ("Phone Service Previews Albums" by Laura Evenson, San Francisco Chronicle,
6/30/94, p D1) Some of the early experiments promoted as tests of
interactive services on the Information SuperHighway were actually designed
to gather demographic data on users. ("Interacting at the Jersey shore:
FutureVision courts advertisers for Bell Atlantic's test in Toms River",
Advertising Age, May 9, 1994)


No one can predict the future with certainty. But we can analyze and
evaluate predictions by seeing how they fit into patterns. And an analysis
of the discourse around the Information SuperHighway shows remarkable
similarity to that which surrounded cable TV nearly a quarter-century
before. Though there is no guarantee that the promises of this technology
will prove as empty as those of the previous technology, we can safely
say that certain powerful groups are more interested in promoting hype
than in weighing the possible effects of the Information SuperHighway.

The Information SuperHighway will not just be a faster Internet; in fact
it is possible that many of the elements that current Internet users
consider vital will disappear in the new infrastructure. Though the
average consumer will have many more options than they do from their home
television today, attempts at mass distribution will likely favor
mainstream big-budget programs over those that are controversial or appeal
to a narrower audience. It is possible that diversity available from all
sources will decrease and independent productions will be even further
marginalized. And the adoption of an asynchronous architecture
(a ten-lane highway coming into the library or home with a tiny path
leading back out) would pose a significant barrier to those seeking to be
information providers, and would favor a model of relatively passive
consumption. And the kind of massification and leveling of culture that
will follow is likely to be similar to the effects of broadcast television
on culture.

Producers vs. Consumers

On the Internet anyone can be an information provider or an information
consumer. On the Information SuperHighway most people will be relegated
to the role of information consumer.

Because services like "movies-on-demand" will drive the technological
development of the Information SuperHighway, movies' need for high
bandwidth into the home and only narrow bandwidth coming back out will
likely dominate. (see Besser, Howard. "Movies on Demand May Significantly
Change the Internet", Bulletin of the American Association for Information
Science, October 1994) Metaphorically, this will be like a ten-lane
highway coming into the home and only a tiny path leading back out
(just wide enough to take a credit card number or to answer multiple-choice

This kind of asymmetrical design implies that only a limited number of
sites will have the capability of outputting large volumes of bandwidth
onto the Information SuperHighway. If such a configuration becomes
prevalent, this is likely to have several far-reaching results. It will
inevitably lead to some form of gatekeeping. Managers of those sites will
control all high-volume material that can be accessed. And for reasons of
scarcity, politics, taste, or personal/corporate preference, they will
make decisions on a regular basis as to what material will be made
accessible and what will not. This kind of model resembles broadcast or
cable television much more so than it does today's Internet.<

The scarcity of outbound bandwidth will discourage individuals and small
groups from becoming information producers, and will further solidify
their role as information consumers. "Interactivity" will be defined as
responding to multiple-choice questions and entering credit card numbers
onto a keypad. It should come as no surprise that some of the major players
trying to build the Information SuperHighway are those who introduced
televised "home shopping".

Flat Fee vs. Pay-per-use

Most Internet users are either not charged to access information,
or pay a low-cost flat fee. The Information SuperHighway, on the
other hand, will likely be based upon a pay-per-use model. On a
gross level, one might say that the payment model for the Internet
is closer to that of broadcast (or perhaps cable) television while
the model for the Information SuperHighway is likely to be more
like that of pay-per-view T.V.

"Pay-per-use" environments affect user access habits. "Flat fee"
situations encourage exploration. Users in flat-fee environments
navigate through webs of information and tend to make serendipitous
discoveries. "Pay-per-use" situations give the public the incentive
to focus their attention on what they know they already want, or to
look for well-known items previously recommended by others. In
"pay-per-use" environments, people tend to follow more traditional
paths of discovery, and seldom explore totally unexpected avenues.
"Pay-per-use" environments discourage browsing. Imagine how a person's
reading habits would change if they had to pay for each article they
looked at in a magazine or newspaper.

Yet many of the most interesting things we learn about or find come
from following unknown routes, bumping into things we weren't looking
for. (Indeed, Thomas Kuhn makes the claim that, even in the hard
sciences, real breakthroughs and interesting discoveries only come
from following these unconventional routes [Kuhn, Thomas, The Structure
of Scientific Revolutions, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1962]).

And people who have to pay each time they use a piece of information are
likely to increasingly rely upon specialists and experts. For example,
in a situation where the reader will have to pay to read each paragraph
of background on Bosnia, s/he is more likely to rely upon State Department
summaries instead of paying to become more generally informed him/herself.
And in the 1970s and 1980s the library world learned that the introduction
of expensive pay-per-use databases discouraged individual exploration and
introduced the need for intermediaries who specialized in searching

Hiroshima book report

ISSUES Briefly describe the issues that are dealt with in the book.
This book was vary informative to me. This book mainly talked about the affects
of nuclear weapons. On August 6, 1945, Hiroshima was destroyed by the first atom
bomb ever dropped on a city. It speaks about how even if you did survive the blast you
were so badly injured that you would die soon anyway. It talked about an incident where
someone's eye was melting and was oozing down his face. It speaks about how houses
were lifted of there foundation. After all the research about the bomb was made, they
reported that 78,150 people had been killed, 13,983 were missing, and 37,425 had been
injured. Even before the bomb, the citizens of Hiroshima were waken almost every night
because of false warnings of intruder planes coming in the area. It talked about how a lot
of people had to go on living with only one leg or one arm. To me, it brought up a good
point, that all those innocent people had do die for nothing.

CHAPTER SUMMARY Briefly summarize each of the chapters: main ideas, narrative
The first chapter is called "A Noiseless Flash." The title kind of speaks for it self.
That was exactly how the bomb was. No one saw anything or heard anything but a flash.
The first chapter speaks about how people are wondering why they are alive, but their
next door neighbors aren't. It was weird, there could be a house right in the middle of
two houses; the one in the middle survived the bomb but the other two did not. A whole
neighborhood could be wiped out except for a few houses. Why those houses did not get
knocked down, no one knows.
The second chapter is called "The Fire." This chapter is about how the explosion
caused many fires. The fires were spread everywhere because of the high winds. Many
of the people were burned and buried in the smashed up bricks and ashes. The ones that
survived the bomb and fire, were seriously hurt. The book pointed out an incident where
someone's eye was melting and oozing down his check.

The third chapter was called "Details Are Being Investigated." In the radio, it had
been said that Hiroshima suffered of an attack by a few B-29. Many people are being
treated for their burns and injuries. Many have died and a lot more at this time are
missing. Everyone is still in shock after 2 days that the bomb struck.
The forth chapter is called "Panic Grass And Feverfew." This chapter, people are
still being helped in the Red Cross Hospital by the help of a devoted man named, Kiyoshi
Tanimoto. Scientist have done some research and found out that the radioactivity is 4.2
times worse than the average. They are also finding permanent shadows on walls form
people that just kind of "disappeared" from the blast. They estimated that the explosion
pressure was from 5.3 to 8.0 tons per square yard. They reported that 78,150 people had
been killed, 13,983 were missing, and 37,425 had been injured.
The last chapter is called "The Aftermath." This chapter speaks about the people
that were involved in this story and what finally happened to them. Hatsuyo Nakamura,
weak and destitute, began a courageous struggle, which would last for many years, to
keep her children and herself alive. In 1966, Nakamura, having reached the age of fifty-
five, retired from Suymam Chemical. She lived the rest of her life happy.
Dr. Terufumi Sasaki did very well with the rest of his life. He opened many
hospitals and became very rich.
Father Wilhelm Kleinsorge became a great priest. He became very ill and finally
died because of the bomb's radiation in November 19, 1977.
Toshiko Sasaki became a nun and gave a great speech to Mother General France
Delcourt in 1980. Sister Sasaki speech: "I shall not dwell on the past. It is as if I had
been given a spare life when I survived the A-bomb. But I prefer not to look back. I
shall keep moving forward."

Dr. Masakazu Fujii tragically got gas poisoning that came from his gas heater.
After he got poisoned, he became a "vegetable" and died 10 years later.
Kiyoshi Tanimoto was a great man. When the bomb hit, he helped everyone that
was injured. When he got older, Tanimoto had made three speaking trips, in the mainland
States in 1979 and 1982, and in Hawaii in 1981. Kiyoshi Tanimoyo was over seventy
now. The average age of all hibakusha was sixty-two. As you can see, Tanimoto was a
true fighter.

EVALUATION Give your opinion of the book: also, recommend or not recommend
to a fellow student and explain recommendation.
I would highly recommend this book because it is very informative. I think
everyone knows about nuclear weapons, but they don't know how harmful they are. I
didn't know how harm full they are until I read this book. Even if you don't like to read,
this would still be a good book for you because it is not that long.

Community sevice

The Greenwich Association for Retarded Citizens (G.A.R.C.) of Greenwich High is a group of students interested in interacting with disabled students. These students go to the high school as well, and look forward to getting to know us. Each of the students have different disabilities but they each have the desire to make friends. This group is totally volunteer basis for all of it's members, no one has to attend. I have been a member of this group for the three years I have attended in Greenwich High. Spending a lot of time with these children I have learned to understand that they are just looking to make friends.
I joined this group as a freshman because I had worked with children with Down Syndrome during the eighth grade at Central Middle School. My interest carried on through out the years because of the numerous fun times I have had, and have made friends with many of the girls. They are all very personable and pleasant to talk with. They each have special characteristics defining them from the others, making each of them special in different ways, just like the rest us.

Aside from the meetings that we have every so often to discuss activities we can do, we usually do fun and interesting activities. We go out for pizza frequently because it seems to be the group consensus on what we would all like to eat. During the holidays we celebrate in interesting ways; on Halloween we have a party where every one gets dressed and brings candy. For the Christmas season we are going to celebrate with a party at a members house and listen to Christmas carols, and have dinner. We have had bake sales and have sold candy in order to raise money for the clubs activities. These are usually a success because every one participates and we all seem to function well as a group. When there are dances or football games at school we each take one of the girls and it's good for them because they get to interact with the rest of the school at a big function.
This club is not only fun, but it's like going to a meeting with some of your friends. We are a small group and we all get along. Since we are a small group it is also difficult for us to do a lot of things. It is difficult to educate the larger part of the public who doesn't know what these kids are like. It is also hard to raise money to do many activities. It would be great if more kids would join each year, and it would be great if the ignorance level had lowered. Many students just don't want to know anything of these kids. I chose to discuss G.A.R.C. because it is a group that could use help from the community at Greenwich high, and I thought I could help by explaining exactly what we do. Why talk about something else, when I could tell of something I enjoy and that needs more attention.

class room observation

Carrie and I were going to observe a kindergarten classroom social studies class
that combined their lesson with a first grade class.  We were scheduled to arrive at 2 PM.
When I arrived at 1:50 PM,  Carrie was waiting outside the school  and informed me that

she had already gone in and was told that there was going to be a fire drill in just a few
minutes.  We waited for the fire drill to finish and then went into the class.  The time was
about 2:10 at this point, so the teachers were running a little behind.
      When we entered the room it was empty, we had obviously beat the students back
from the fire drill.  This gave us time to look around.  The kindergarten room was
brightly decorated with lots of posters and student's art work.  The kids were working on
colors because there was a strip on top of the blackboard that had the colors and things
we might see in that color.  The student's desks were arranged in two rows, pushed
together and facing each other.  There were about twelve seats in each group, so there

were about 24 students in the class.  Apparently, the class had just been returning from a
trip to the school library when the fire drill went off,  so when they came in they were
still carrying their library books.  The students were asked to take their seats and they did
so quietly.  Everyone's eyes were on Carrie and me.  Mrs. Debolt asked us to introduce
ourselves, which we did.    She told the class that we were learning to be teachers and

that we wanted to sit in on their social studies class.   Each student sat at a little desk with
their name laminated on the top.  The students had laminated cards with their names on
them tied around their neck with a long piece of yarn.  I think that these were their library
cards.  Mrs. Debolt asked me to collect these, which I did.  The students were pretty quiet
while this was going on and followed directions well.  Mrs. Debolt told the class that we
were going to have a joint lesson with Mrs. Castiluzo's 1st grade class.  She asked
everyone to come up to the front of the room and sit quietly on their bottoms,  hands in

their laps.  The two classrooms are connected by a door and soon Mrs. Castiluzo,  her
aide, and the 1st graders came in.  It was a tight squeeze but everyone got a little spot on
the floor.  You could tell the kids who like their personal space because they were
uncomfortable in the tight space and tried to wiggle and scoot.  Mrs. Debolt introduced
Carrie and me and then started her lesson.  She started with a story about a green bear
who lived in the forest.  He would change the color of his house as the seasons changed.
Before she read she assess for prior knowledge.  After she finished the book she led the

group by questioning them about houses and families and health. Then we talked about
healthy bodies and how we make healthy bodies by eating correctly.  The teacher would
ask a question and then call on someone who raised their hand.  When there was a fun

task to do, the teacher would call on a student that was doing something right, like sitting
up straight.  I noticed that the same students were always raising their hands.  The teacher
should have tried to involve all of the students.    
      After the discussion of green and healthy,  Mrs. Castiluza read a poem, but the
children had already been sitting for 15-20 minutes and were not interested in the long
poem at all.  Then, Mrs. Castiluza brought out a bag of fresh vegetables that she grew in
her garden.  This got the kids interested again and we discussed how the greens of the

vegetables were different.  Then Carrie and I got 2 helpers and cut up lettuce, peppers,
and cucumbers to make a salad.  We all ate salad and talked about the different textures
and crunchiness of the vegetables.  The lesson was evaluated as the students ate their
salad, the teachers informally walked around the room and spoke with the children, but
not all of them. The kids finished, threw their paper plates away and returned to their
seats.  I stopped back at the library briefly on another day and found there to be quite a

big selection of  trade books on historical events and biographies.  There was a big
selection on folk tales.  I found a section with plays that are made especially for classes
with lots of parts.  There were a lot of multicultural books on display.  I think that they
looked pretty new.  There were computers available as well but I didn't go and look at

the soft ware
      I think that the lesson was interesting enough, although maybe a little too long.

The teachers tried to use literature and poems to tell the lesson.  I think that the teacher
should have a way to involve all the students in the discussion.  Also, I think that all the
students should have been involved in making the salad.  I think the idea of the salad was
good, hands on and a reward at the end.  The students were very well behaved and the

teacher handled misbehaving matter-of-factly without a lot of attention drawn to the
deed.  I don't think that the material was particularly challenging, but then again we are
dealing with kindergarten.  The theme of the unit was "myself and my family".  I think I
see the way they were going with the green bear in his home and a healthy diet to keep
you well.  Did I mention that I want to teach 5th grade?  Seriously though, I think these
little ones are adorable but everytime I spend time in kindergarten,  I realize that I will do
much better with older learners.   
IT Support

Carl Orff's philosophies in Musci Education

While Carl Orff is a very seminal composer of the 20th century, his greatest success and influence has been in the field of Music Education. Born on July 10th in Munich, Germany in 1895, Orff refused to speak about his past almost as if he were ashamed of it. What we do know, however, is that Orff came from a Bavarian family who was very active in the German military. His father's regiment band would often play through some of the young Orff's first attempts at composing. Although Orff was adamant about the secrecy of his past, Moser's Musik Lexicon says that he studied in the Munich Academy of Music until 1914. Orff then served in the military in the first world war. After the war, he held various positions in the Mannheim and Darmstadt opera houses then returned home to Munich to further study music. In 1925, and for the rest of his life, Orff was the head of a department and co-founder of the Guenther School for gymnastics, music, and dance in Munich where he worked with musical beginners. This is where he developed his Music Education theories. In 1937, Orff's Carmina Burana premiered in Frankfurt, Germany. Needless to say, it was a great success. With the success of Carmina Burana, Orff orphaned all of his previous works except for Catulli Carmina and the En trata which were rewritten to be acceptable by Orff.

One of Orff's most admired composers was Monteverdi. In fact, much of Orff's work was based on ancient material. Orff said: I am often asked why I nearly always select old material, fairy tales and legends for my stage works. I do not look upon them as old, but rather as valid material. The time element disappears, and only the spiritual power remains. My entire interest is in the expression of spiritual realities. I write for the theater in order to convey a spiritual attitude.1 What Orff is trying to say here is that he does not use "old" material, but material that is good enough to be used again. If one eliminates the fact that this material was written many years ago, then there is nothing to stop that material from being any less legitimate in recent times. Orff's work in Music Education has been astounding. In the early 1920's, Orff worked with Mary Wigman. Wigman was a pupil of Emile Jaques-Dalcroze, another very influential name in Music Education. In fact, Orff's approach to music is very similar to Dalcroze's, but Orff focuses on education through percussion instruments. In 1924, Orff joined Dorthee Guenther and together they founded the Guenther School. The schools focus was coordinated teaching of gymnastics, dance, and music. Orff believed that music, movement, and speech are not separate entities in and of themselves, but that they form a unity that he called elemental music. When Orff refers to elemental music, he means the music, movement, or speech created by children that requires no special training, or in other words, the things that children do without really thinking about it.

The basis for the Orff method is the belief that the historical development of music is reenacted in the life of every individual. This means that, when a child is young, he is similar to a primitive human being - at least musically - in that both are naive and rely primarily on natural rhythms and movement to make music. Although this theory has not been very widely accepted by most music educators, this is where the Orff method of teaching music begins. The Orff method was so impressive to the public that the Ministry of Culture recommended the adoption of the Guenther-Orff experiments in the elementary schools in Berlin. Unfortunately, the rise of Hitler and the outbreak of war stunted the growth of these plans. Finally, in 1948, the German broadcasting authorities urged Orff to resume his educational activities.

The Orff approach, not unlike the Suzuki method, begins with the idea that music should be learned by a child the same way a language is learned. Suzuki calls this the "mother tongue approach". A child learns to speak simply by listening and then imitating and then, later in life, the child learns to interpret symbols as a written form of that language. So, then, a child should learn music in the same way. At an early age, a child is exposed to music and learns to sing and play percussion instruments, then, later in the child's musical development, he learns to interpret the symbols on a score as music. The music a child learns during this time of his life is very simple melodies that involve a lot of moving. Orff believed that rhythm was the most important part of music. This is because rhythm is what movement, speech, and music all have in common. Rhythm is what ties these all together to make what Orff called elemental music. Orff uses this approach because it is believed that children must feel and move to music before they are asked to conceptualize about it. Speech is one of the key elements in the Orff approach not only because speech is an inherently rhythmic action, but because Orff was the only one of the major educational philosophers (Dalcroze, Kodaly, and Suzuki) to use speech in this way. Orff's thought was that a transition from speech to rhythmic activities and then to song was the most natural for a child. So, the student moves from speech to body rhythms such as clapping or tapping, and then finally leads to the playing of an instrument. Orff's philosophy continues on in this way even after a child has developed a skill for an instrument. For example, concepts such as meter, accent, and anacrusis are introduced in speech patterns, reinforced in other activities, and then studied in a musical context. A specific example of this is the teaching of the concept of a canon. A simple yet varied chant or other form of rhythmic speech is taught to the class. The students then use the idea of a "round" to explore how each entrance by each different part is achieved. Finally, the teacher notates the rhythmic pattern and shows how each part of the pattern works with the other parts.

Orff's approach to Music Education notes that speech, chant, and song are all points along the same line. That is to say that one leads directly to the next. Children's experiences with singing follow directly from speech. This means that melody is actually an extension or an outgrowth of rhythm. When children begin to learn to use their voices as musical instruments, they enter another pre-planned part of Orff's method. There is a very specific order in which students learn to use solfege. As with most other theories that involve singing, the descending minor third, sol-mi, is the first interval that is taught. Other tones follow in succession in this order: la, re, do, to complete the pentatonic scale, and then finally fa and ti. The Orff method uses the pentatonic scale because Orff believed it to be the native tonality of children. This is cohesive with Orff's belief that music history is relived in the development of each individual because he considered the pentatonic mode appropriate to the development of each child. The use of the pentatonic scale also gave the students confidence.

After all, it's very difficult to improvise and sound bad when the only notes available are those in the pentatonic scale. This kind of constant affirmation is crucial to a child's development. The last part of Orff's elemental music is elemental movement. As stated earlier, the word elemental in this sense refers to the kind of action, in this case movement, in which the child participates with no prior training or instruction. Orff said that this kind of activity made it easier for children to become expressive. This is because children are more able to express their thoughts and feelings through movement and painting than through words. Allowing children to express themselves in this way allows them to use their imagination because, as we adults often forget, children have the most vivid imagination. After observing these actions, the teacher then relates them in some way to music and build musical concepts out of them. Unfortunately, many of the activities that adults scold their children for are the same ones that are the most suitable for expressing feelings, such as walking on tiptoe, hoping over imaginary obstacles, or spinning to the point of dizziness. These are actions that adults would react to as being 'fidgety' or 'squirmy' when, in fact, they are simply natural movements that children use to express themselves. The ideal Orff educator would encourage these behaviors and use them to teach musical concepts.

The end goal of the Orff method is to develop a child's musical creativity. Where traditional Music Education dictates that a child must learn to read music right away in order to be a self-guided and independent musician, the Orff method focuses on the creative and expressive side of music. The instruments that are commonly associated with the Orff method distinguish it from other methods. Orff uses xylophones and various metalophones that use removable bars. This allows an educator to change bars for different modes or to remove unnecessary bars to keep from confusing young students. The Orff instruments are modeled after and are closely related to the Indonesian gamelans. These instruments allow great flexibility for children who have handicaps. For example, students with visual handicaps or hearing handicaps can hit just about anywhere on an Orff instrument set up to use a pentatonic scale so he can feel like he is being included. In conclusion, the Carl Orff has been a very influential person in the field of Music Education. He has demonstrated to us that the way to teach music to children is to let then go back to the basics, or elements, of speech, movement, and singing. He has reminded us how much we really expect children to learn music differently in the traditional method than it is natural for them to learn.

Education Past Present and Future

Education, without it we would all be mindless wonders wandering

around the globe. Education is an important factor in our lives, but the past,

present, and future of education is changing. And change it will until our

education system is the best in the world.

In the past, Education in America was plain and simple. We've all

heard the stories of how our ancestors used to have to walk to school 5

miles in the snow in the heat of summer. These shameless exagerations

were meant for us to think that school back in the "good ole days" was very

dificult and surpassed the level of difficulty students today have. In reality,

school, although most early schools were combonation classes with a

variety of age groups as students. Almost each individual was given an

equal amount of personal help from the teacher. Also, life wasn't as

complecated as they are now. One teacher would teach the whole class a

limeted variety of subjects such as arithmatic and english. Education was

just eaiser when it first became popular.

Nowadays, in the present, school not only is a place to learn, it's a

place to stress out. As I walk through the halls all students seem to have that

academic nervousness. If you listen to the conversations that go on in the

hall it's always, "Ohh my gosh, Becky! I'm going to have a fat cow! I think

I'm getting a B in my chemistry class, and that is going to ruin my record."

Pressure is constantly put upon students to get "straight A's" It is very rare

when a student will not shoot for an A on a quiz. It's human nature to

succeed, but with the pressure put on us by the teachers, parents, peers, and

colleges, it's a heavy load to handle.

Now, scientists recently did an expiriment. They placed a child in a

room with some brand new toys. They left him there for a couple of hours

and he did not play with them. The scientists puzzeled took the boy aside

and asked him why he did not play with the toys. The boy replied that he

did not want to break them. So, scientists then took another child and placed

him in a room filled with horse manure. The boy was having fun swimming

around in it, having a blast with the horse manure. When the scientists

asked the boy why he played with the horse manure, the boy replied, "Well,

with all of this horse manure, there has to be a pony somwhere." This story

best relates to our education system. Now while students may think that

school is a waste of time, it has been proven that it is really the key to lead

us to the pony at the end of the rainbow. While we may not like school, it

will always benifit us in the long run.

The furture of education is changing ever so rapidly. New classes are

starting to emerge from the midst of old traditional classes that many new

students have failed. It may be hard for some of us to face, but some

students just can not learn the same why as our parents did. Today, students

need more hands on projects. They need things they can relate to the real

world. Other then just learning concepts, we should be able to learn how,

when, and why we should apply those concepts into everyday things. Now,

i'm not saying we stray away from traditional methods in the future. I am

saying that what we all need to do as a group is find a way to import those

traditional methods in to futuristic teaching, and use the traditional way of

educating as a building base for new methods in education. It can relate to a

table, the new methods of educating being the legs and the traditional way,

the table top. You need both the legs and the table top before you can have a

complete table. If you take one piece away you are left with a worthless pile

of wood, but when you combine all of the pieces together, the table begins

to have some use and worth to it.

Education is something that has the biggest value of anything in the

world. It is an ideal that without it, we would never be able to live the way

we do today. It has come from a small, simple school, to a key to the future

in only the span of years.

Effects of Living Together

As the rate of divorce soars and as increasing numbers of marriages disintegrate, living together has become the popular alternative to many people in north America. Expersts estimate that "roughly 2.2 million people are currently sharing bed and board in a live-in arrangement, this is approximately 1% of the total population."("Family." Comptoms Encyclopedia. 1992 ed.) Living together, more formally known as non marital cohabitation, is an emerging lifestyle. In fact, "More than one fourth of all unmarried couples living together in the early 1980's were between 25 and 34 years old, and an additional 19 percent were 45 and over."("Today's Families."Detroit Free Press 18 October 1995: B17.) Although living together is not a recent invention, the relationship has yet to be legitimized with a respectable name. Existing terms such as "shacking up" or "living in sin" are just some of the crude names being tagged to people living together. Living together can be valuable a substitute for marriage, a cure-all for marital problems, and a solution to the problem of frequent divorce.

A popular rationale for living together is that it is an ideal way to have a "try out." This trial marriage is a result of the ever increasing divorce rate. Many couples are afraid of marriage and decide to live together with the intention to persue marriage if the temporary arrangement is successful. The couples hope to "minimize their chances of a potential disastrous marriage; any conflicting attitudes toward social activities, economic arrangements, or domestic chores will be discovered and hopefully resolved while the couple live together." (Carter, Sharon. "Trial Marriage". Ladies' Home Journal 14 (May 1993): 12-13.) If an unsolveable conflict arises, the couple can cancel their wedding plans and escape the painful exercise of divorce. Living together ultimately can test the couple's compatibility and have them really get to know each other. Although evidence suggests that "couples who live together do not necessarily have more or less successful marriages than couples who don't live together before the wedding, studies show that non-marital cohabitors are more realistic about their demands and expectations of marriage.("Ross, Eshleman J. The Family: An Introduction. 5th ed. Detroit: Allyn,1988) Living together couples who eventually get married tend to have a better foundation for their marriage due to their practice from living together.

In many cases, living together can have many legal and economic benefits. Living together is conducted with minimal legal interference, therefore if the relationship fails, separating is quick, unhampered by legal details. It would be wrong to think that all people living are free from legal interference. In most provinces "only short term relationships are unaffected by existing legislation. Couples who have cohabited for several years have significally more legal rights and responsibilities, depending on their place of residence. Several provinces have recently introduced laws that give non-marital cohabitors certain legal rights" (Carter, Sharon. "Trial Marriage". Ladies' Home Journal 14 (May 1993): 12-13.)<

It is important that couples understand the legal ramifications of living together. Those who wish to avoid the legal liabilities of living together or wish to establish property rights or other responsibilities should enter a cohabitation agreement with their lover. Furthermore, a couple's finical situation may discourage thoughts of marriage. Some people may be trapped on a minimal income and may be forced to choose between marriage and income due to benefits or pensions from former or deceased spouses that may be discontinued if that individual gets remarried. "Rather than marry and impoverish their incomes, a number of couples choose to cohabit and pool their financial resources."(Pearce, Jack M. Modern Day Marriages. New York: Abel-Hils,1990.) Other economic advantages that are present in a live-in relationship is the sharing of food, rent or mortgage, and other housing expenses. This sharing of expenses can be very beneficial to a young couple who may not be financially well off.

For many, non-marital cohabitation is used by the couple as a private support system, providing emotional, and physical support. The emotional and physical support can be a valuable asset to the couple as many cohabitors are young and trying to find their own niche in the difficult career world. The support that an individual can get from their partner can be very comforting to them, and can be a good stepping stone from dependence on their families to independence. Many experts claim that " the loosely structured arrangement instills a sense of independence while establishing resources of support; marital decisions are postponed until a greater degree of maturity and occupational independence is secured" (Pearce, Jack M. Modern Day Marriages. New York: Abel-Hils,1990.) The security from the emotional and physical support experienced by many cohabitors can help them concentrate on his or her career aspirations without:
the frustration of divided energies among dating, career development, and economical survival. The burden of living can bee shared as the couple persue personal goal and ambitions. Living together, for example, can provide a harried student with emotional, physical, and sometimes economic support from a sympathetic partner. (Pearce, Jack M. Modern Day Marriages. New York: Abel-Hils,1990.)
Finally, more and more are turning to the idea of living together as the emotional, physical, social, economic, and legal benefits are much better alternative than the consequences that can arise from a failed marriage. Certainly, "not all couples choose to include living together as a temporary stage in their courtship, yet the option to cohabit is becoming increasingly popular."(Groode, Williams J. "Marriage" Comptoms Interactive Encyclopedia. (1996 ed.)
The freedom associated with living together is an important aspect, because after a period of time the couple may decide to marry, to end the relationship, or simple continue living together. As future trends continue, and more marriages fail, the number of couples who live together are going to increase due to the valuable benefits.

Elementary Education

Buscaglia Reflection

            While reading Leo Buscaglia¹s book, Living, Loving & Learning,  I was able to reflect back on some of the experiences I have had in my life that have helped to make me the person I am today, and I was able to look into the future at what I would like to become.  I was able to see how well I know myself and what I have to offer others.  I was able to see the things I don¹t like about myself and determine some of the ways I can make myself better.  This is some of what reflecting on my life and looking ahead while reading Buscaglia has taught me.

A.  ³You Cannot give to anybody what you do not have.²
            I went to Juab High School in the small town of Nephi, Utah.   Like many other small town high schools, football coaches and P.E. teachers doubled as Algebra teachers and Science teachers.  This allowed our school to make full use of the limited teachers and resources that it had.  There was a lot of talented people that taught at Juab and some of them made great teachers and coaches, but some of them didn¹t.  Sometimes it ended up that the football coach/algebra teacher cared a little more about tomorrow¹s football game than he did about ensuring his algebra students knew how to balance equations, and sometimes the P.E./Science teacher cared a little more about the teaching the tennis unit than she did about teaching the four life processes.
            Those teachers were also the ones that had to relearn the algebra and science lessons a few days before they taught them to us, because on paper they were qualified to do the job, but as far as knowing the material and having an interest in what they were trying to give to us, nothing was there. Have you ever tried to get someone excited about a subject that you knew nothing about?  Have you ever had a math teacher that sent you across the hall to get help from someone else because he didn¹t understand what he was trying to teach you?  It can be pretty hard sometimes to get excited about something if your teacher doesn¹t get excited about it.   These teachers tried to give us something that they didn¹t have.

            When I was in middle school I had another teacher that tried to give us what she didn¹t have.  She was the health teacher, but because of some addictions to drugs, she really wasn¹t very healthy.  It was sad, because she taught us from the book that certain drugs are addictive and we should take care of our bodies.  We knew that she knew this information first hand because she was always on drugs.  Many days she was so buzzed up that  the teacher next door would come ask her to hold it down because she was yelling instead of speaking and didn¹t even know it.  Other days she would fall asleep on her desk while we watched whatever we wanted to on TV.  There was more than one time when the stapler ended up in the garbage when the bell rang and woke her up!  We all learned how drugs can mess people up because we saw her every day, but I wonder how valuable she thought the lesson would be to us because it was something she obviously didn¹t believe in?  ³You cannot give to someone what you do not have yourself.²
            Buscaglia makes over and over the point that knowledge and love are both things that we can gain and gain, yet we are able to share them with others without ever depleting our own supply.  Because as teachers we need to have  the skills to teach our children to love themselves and to become the best they can be, I think it is so important that we dedicate the time that we have for living, to loving and learning.  I am going to become the best Valerie that I can be, because then I can give others the knowledge and the love to become the best Johns, Kates and Ashleys that they can be.   

B.  Risk Taking

            Buscaglia tells us the importance of being ourselves.  For me, sometimes being myself  means taking a risk.  All of us have our own little views of what we think others see as being ³normal,² and we all have innate tendencies to try to either fit into the category of normalcy or to totally go against what the crowd is doing just to be different.
            I lived in Salt Lake for one month.  At the restaurant where I worked there was a wide variety of people.  One of my friends had a mild case of schizophrenia and was haunted by his inability to deal with reality.  If he went into the grocery store and saw a group of people laughing and joking, he automatically thought that they were laughing at him.  As a result of his paranoia, he had a hard time making close friends and as a result  of that made himself an easy target for peer pressure.  He would do anything at all to feel accepted by others, simply because he wanted so much to be what he viewed as normal.
            Another guy I worked with there seemed like your average everyday Joe... UNTIL one day I saw him when he wasn¹t at work.  He had rings in several parts of his body, and was wearing a great deal of hardware over his leather clothes.  I barely recognized him!  I said ³Mac!  Is that you?²

            He started laughing at me and said, ²You should have seen me before I got my job.  I used to have a blue Mohawk!²  When I asked him why he dressed that way and had blue hair he simply replied, ³just to be different.²
            I¹m not so sure that making ourselves a target for peer pressure or having blue hair and a pierced upper lip is what Buscaglia meant when he said we should take risks.  I think more of what he was getting at, is that we need to be ourselves.  We need to stop wondering whether those around us see us as being extremely odd or as just a part of the crowd.  We need to be ourselves.  If being yourself means you feel like going out and dancing in the rain once in a while, you  should do it!  And if being yourself means you feel like singing a song at the top of our lungs as you walk down the street, you should do that too!  And if standing on your head while facing the rear of the elevator is what you¹ve always wanted to do, by golly, just make sure that you¹re not going to fall on the 12 people in there that are acting normal.  We just need to remember to be ourselves!
            One of the biggest risks I have ever taken has ended up being one of the best things that has happened to me in my life.  My brother-in-law met a family in Indiana when he served his mission there a few years ago.  When that family came to visit this year, I was invited to go swimming with the group.  I tend to hide my true self when there¹s a cute member of the opposite sex at stake, and I wasn¹t so sure that I wanted to risk letting Issac see the real me.  After all, there was a very good chance that he might not view me as being quite normal!  But I decided to let the real him give the real me a chance.  Before Issac went home the next day we were the best of friends.  Now,  thanks to United States Postal Service, AT&T, and Delta Airlines, Issac is engaged to spend the eternities with the real me. I sure am glad I decided to be myself.

C.  ³Love is the process of leading you gently back to yourself.²

            To me, love means serving others.  We love those whom we serve.  Babies are so helpless.  They rely on others for everything that they need, and sometimes their little wants and cries can be very demanding.  But have you ever seen an infant and his mother interact?  A crying infant may begin to smile, simply from hearing his mother¹s calming voice.  The mother reacts to the smile with more talk and a smile of her own.  As they give and take their cues from each other, the mother and her child communicate and form loving bonds through fulfilling each other¹s physical and emotional needs. 

            I had the opportunity to work with some of the students enrolled in Special Education at my high school.  The first term that I did this, my job was to help a student frost  sugar cookies to be sold in the school bookstore.  What a challenge!  Each day this beautiful girl had to be retaught how to scoop the icing onto the cookie and how to spread it around so that in the end, the cookie somewhat resembled something edible.  It was not an easy task for her.  She was often angry with herself because she couldn¹t remembered from the days before, and at first it embarrassed her that she needed any help from me to do her work.  But with a little patience from each of us, and some casual conversation while we worked, the task suddenly wasn¹t so difficult for either of us anymore.  She realized that I was there to help her and to be her friend, and I realized how much I had to learn from this courageous person.  As I gave her encouragement and friendship, she began to remember what she was doing from day to day and to show more pride in her work.  This let me know I was doing an o.k. job with her and allowed me to feel good about myself.  As we served each other we grew to love each other. 
            Whether it is raking leaves for the neighbors or teaching a child to read, those whom we serve are going to know that they are someone who is important, as will we when we serve them.  By giving service, we have led someone back to themselves.  We have given love.

D.  Change

            Buscaglia talks a lot about making changes.  We cannot progress if we do not take the necessary steps to making changes in our lives.  It is through examining our lives, determining what we do and  do not like, and then working hard to make the changes necessary to become better.  Change is not something that happens over night, but must be worked at continually in order to make the change become a long lasting one. 

            When I was a little girl, I had the bad habit of biting my fingernails.  Sometimes I would chew them so far down that they would become very sore and sometimes even infected.  My older sister Kathy had long, beautiful nails that I was pretty envious of, and I decided that I was going to have fingernails just like that.  It took a LOT of will power not to bite my fingernails ( though now looking back I¹m not sure why I enjoyed chewing them so much!), but finally I was able to stop.   My nails grew very slowly at first, and were extremely brittle, but eventually they grew to be strong and healthy.  I was pretty proud of myself and made sure that my entire family knew what a good job I had done and how beautiful they were.  My sister Angie, then also a biter of nails, got tired of hearing about it awfully fast!  One night, with the assistance of Kathy who was just out for the adventure of it all,  Angela cut all of my fingernails while I was asleep in order to teach me not to brag!  I decided that unless I wanted to lose my hair next, which grew much faster than Angela's and I made sure she knew it, bragging had better be the next change that I make in my life.

            Through the years I have made several changes when I have seen something about myself I didn¹t like.  When I read Buscaglia, I took the little look at my life again and set goals to make some changes.  One of them was to stop arguing with my older sister Allison.  I don¹t know how feasible it is to make such a goal, but I decided I¹d make an extra effort.  The fact that I¹ve set the same goal not to argue with her a hundred or more times previously is just proof that change takes a continuous effort, not just one event, in order to make the efforts effective and make the change long lasting.  I decided that I am going to let more of the little things she does that annoy me slide by, and to stop doing things just to annoy her.  That is just the first steps.  After I¹ve got those down, I¹ll look at the situation again and work on something else.  If I work hard, impossible though it may sometimes seem, the change can be made and I will be a better person because of it.

E.   ³To me, life is God¹s gift to you.  The way you live your
        life is your gift to God.  Make it a fantastic one.²  p. 83

            I chose this quote from the writings of Buscaglia because it ties up all of his ideas into one little bundle.  If you were to give someone a gift and then watched them neglect it, abuse it, or destroy it, your feelings would be hurt and you would be pretty upset.  But if you were able to see them show it off to their friends, love it,  and take care of it, you would feel like that person appreciated the gift and it would be almost like a gift to you.
            Upon reading this quote is where I took the opportunity to look into the future.  The gift that God gave me is a wonderful one.  Sometimes I have a hard time seeing my life as being wonderful because I make so many mistakes.  But life is wonderful because life is about making mistakes.  It is what we do with them that is important.  I know that God always sees me as being wonderful.   God loves me.  He gave me life.  God wants me, and every other person, to become the very best that we can be, and then to become even better.  He wants us to nurture life, to love life, and to live it.  Let¹s do our best.

A Murders Journey Through works of Dostoyevsky and Poe

Some people believe that most murderers have a mental illness which causes them to commit their crime. This belief is strongly disagreed with by the authors Edgar Allan Poe and Fyodor Dostoevsky. Crime and Punishment, "The Tell-Tale Heart", "The Black Cat",and "The Cask of Amontillado" are very similar in this contradiction. Each murderer takes a specific journey that has been illustrated in each case. The psychological make-up of each murderer shows that he is a normal person up to the point at which something compels him to commit this horrible crime, and after that his conscience usually leads to his own downfall.

Before the murder has been committed the character is a regular human being. In most cases the characters that end up carrying through with this crime are above average people. Raskolnikov from Crime and Punishment is "... quite an extraordinarily handsome young man..." (Crime and Punishment, pg.21) Raskolnikov is a very gifted university student, with a very good talent for figuring people out. Raskolinikov takes great pride and care for his family. On receiving a letter from his mother

...he quickly raised the letter to his lips and kissed it; then he spent a long time poring over the handwriting on the envelope, over the small, slanting handwriting, so familiar and dear to him, of his mother who had once taught him to read and write. (Crime and Punishment, pg.47)

Raskolnikov's mother, who taught him how to read and write did this job quite well. This resulted in a very gifted and brilliant university student. This point is illustrated throughout the novel from the planning and carrying out of the murder, to interactions with the police.
The narrator from the short story "The Black Cat" describes his "tenderness of heart was even so conspicuous as to make me the jest of his companions." ("The Black Cat", pg.390) He is quite a regular human being who is "...especially fond of animals..." ("The Black Cat", pg.390) The narrator also has a great wife whom he describes as being quite similar to himself, which shows that he must be quite normal if a good woman chooses to marry him. Much alike is the narrator from the short story "The Tell-Tale Heart". Again this character is full of love. The victim of his crime had done no wrong and for that the narrator "...loved the old man." ("The Tell-Tale Heart", pg.384) The narrator shows the same brilliance in planning the crime that Raskolnikov exhibits. People with great intelligence, great lives, possessions and friends must be normal people. This seems to hold true in the short story "The Cask of Amontillado". The narrator is a man with great wealth. He has many friends which would signify that he is quite a normal character. He lives in a nice house with servants and fine wine. This all seems to show that his mind is intact, if he obtains and keeps these symbols of success. It seems as if each and every character discussed is quite a normal human being. In most cases the wealth, knowledge, or love of others is far above average than most other human beings.

The normal psychological make-up of a murderer has to
change before the crime is committed. Something must happen
in the character's life that causes them to alter their
reasoning ability into something that maybe considered as
insanity. It is seen quite clear that the loving character
from "The Black Cat" "experienced a radical alteration for
the worse." ("The Black Cat", pg.391) The turning point in
his mind was explained by the narrator. "But my disease
grew upon me - for what disease is like Alcohol!"
("The Black Cat, pg.392) This problem with alcohol is
clearly the point at which the reasoning of the character
In Raskolnikov's case this change is also quite
clear. For an above average university student it would be
devastating to see education slip through his fingers
beyond control. "He was crushed by poverty, but even
straitened circumstances had ceased to worry him lately."
(Crime and Punishment, pg.19) The poverty causes
Raskolnikov to leave university. Upon leaving university he
is left alone with his thoughts. "At that moment he was
fully aware that his thoughts were at times confused and
that he was very weak: for two days now he had had hardly
anything to eat." (Crime and Punishment, pg.20) Poverty is
clearly what changes Raskolnikov's psyche.
The narrator of "The Tell-Tale Heart" has a bizarre
reason for this change to occur.

He had never wronged me. He had never given me
insult. For his gold I had no desire. I think it was his eye! yes, it was this! He had the eye of a vulture - a pale blue eye with a film over it. ("The Tell-Tale Heart", pg.384)

This figurative meaning of the old man's eye can be
interpreted in the broad view that the narrator dislikes the
old man's personality. The narrators change stems from the
selfishness and uncaring of the old man. The narrator of
"The Cask of Amontillado" takes a change that occurs for the
plain reason of revenge. it is evident that the character
has passed a certain point at which his thoughts have
changed as to compel him to carry through with this crime.

In each work the murder has been committed it certainly
takes a great psychological effect on each character. The
narrator of "The Tell-Tale Heart" experiences this as he is
conversing with the police.

"The ringing became more distinct: - it continued and became more distinct: I talked more freely to get rid of the feeling: but it continued and gained definitiveness - until, at length , I found that the noise was not within my ears." ("The Tell-Tale Heart", pg.389)

It is shown that the narrator's conscience is ringing
and it is driving him insane. He gets more insane as time
passes "It grew louder - louder - louder!" ("The Tell-Tale
Heart, pg.389) This seems to be how his mind alters and is
being punished for this alteration for the worse.
The sound imagery is also used within the story "The Black
Cat". After the first murder of his cat, the narrator's
feeling of guilt grows with every passing day. "...I longed
to destroy it with one blow, I was yet withheld from doing
so, partly by a memory of my former crime." ("The Black
Cat", pg.396) It seems as if his conscience of his former
crime is restricting him from choices he once might have
made. The narrator's feeling of guilt is eased by the
discovery of a new cat. This turns out to be too much for
him to take. As the narrator is trying
to kill the second cat, his wife gets in the way and he
kills her instead of the cat. After this happens his guilt
is very unnoticeable. A cry is heard as the police are
searching hi house and eventually reach the tomb in which
his wife is hidden. It was "Quickly swelling into one long
, loud, and continuous scream... a wailing shriek, half
horror and half triumph..." ("The Black Cat", pg.400) Again
this scream signifies the triumph of the conscience or of
good over the evil deed that the character has attempted to

The novel Crime and Punishment deals with this same
idea of the role that guilt plays in the downfall of a
murder. Raskolnikov begins his dealings with his conscience
very soon after the crime. Raskolnikov leaves clues around
"...because all his mental faculties were weakened and
shaken - his mind was clouded." (Crime and Punishment,
pg.109) This cloud of judgment causes Raskolnikov to attempt
to avoid his conscience. He explains "What is it? Am I
still delirious or is it all real? I think it's real?... oh
I remember now I must run." (Crime and Punishment, pg.146)
Raskolnikov continues to sway back and forth between
admitting his guilt, and trying to escape it. It is shown
through several events that Raskolnikov's crime has led him
to the solitude of delirium and it gradually eats him away
inside. The realization is finally made that he is not the
extraordinary man that he thought he was. He states,

I am a louse', he added, grinding his teeth, "because I myself am perhaps worse and nastier than the louse I killed, and I knew beforehand that I would say that after killing her!" (Crime and Punishment, pg.292)

As the Raskolnikov's deterioration continues, he finally
comes to the realization that his conscience cannot deal
with this any longer. "It was I who killed the old woman
money-lender and her sister Lisaveta with a hatchet and
robbed them." (Crime and Punishment, pg.542) The confession
given at to end his ordeal is a direct relation
to his conscience.

This is much like "The Tell-Tale Heart" in which the
narrator also confesses, ""Villians!" I shrieked, "dissemble
no more! I admit the deed - tear up the planks! - here,
here! - it is the beating of his hideous heart!" ("The
Tell-Tale Heart", pg.389) It is not stated that the narrator
admits his guilt but is certainly is symbolized by the
scream. This also leads to the downfall of this character,
much like the others. It is truly obvious that each
characters conscience leads them to insanity which in turn
leads to their own downfall.

A murderer's journey includes several distinct stages.
These stages: being a normal human being, taking a turning
point to cause the murder, and dealing with his conscience
are all followed in each and every case of study. The
character that has committed the murder travels through this
process. This journey is a process that is happening in
everyday society, and is clearly illustrated through each
piece of literature.

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